Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analization of There are no Children Here essays

Analization of There are no Children Here essays You do not fully know a man until you have walked around in his shoes Social isolation due to economical disadvantages is the criteria of which Alex Kotlowitz novel There Are No Children Here is based upon. It is a true story in which free lance journalist, Kotlowitz followed the lives of two children, there mother and the rest of their siblings growing up in government project home in Chicagos west side ghetto. The main characters of the story are Lafeyette and Pharoah Rivers and their mother La Joe and how they survive the hardship and struggles of an impoverished life and non existence to the rest of the world. The first thing that La Joe mentions to Kotlowitz when she agrees to let him follow and live in their footsteps is the following comment, "But you know, there are no children here," she told him. "They've seen too much to be children.", and it is here that we receive the title of this sentimental and heart felt novel. The predicament that the people of this socially separated, violence reigning, horrendous poverty stricken urban community saw on a daily basis gave them no hope for the future. The people learned to become accustomed to and accept that there was little they could do to change the views of the upper class citizens to help them in their dilemma of living out there daily lives. The children are always caught in the grasps of gangs exchanging gun fire and letting out there anger and may not even live to see a new day as a result of it. A way to ignore a problem that exist is to not acknowledge that there is one or try and understand it. Early off in the beginning of the novel Lafeyette and Pharoah along with a couple of the other neighborhood children go to the railroad tracks in the attempt to discover a snake. Upon hearing the people on the train arriving the children flee for cover because of rumors they have heard of the passengers carrying weapons for their safety. The passe ngers...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

classism and the criminal essays

classism and the criminal essays While searching the web for articles on classism, I had the fortune to come across a fascinating site called the Anarchist Black Cross Network. What captured my attention was a speech by Clarence Darrow to the inmates in the Chicago prison in 1902. Being impressed by his philosophy, I determined to learn as much as I could about who Darrow was and what he did. During the process, I have come to appreciate Douglas O. Linder for his article, Who is Clarence Darrow, (1997). Clarence Darrow was a political activist and trial lawyer. Linders article summarizes Darrows famous speech to the inmates, which highlights his philosophy and also covers some of his more famous trials. Darrows main belief is that there is no such thing as a criminal; society causes people to exist in whatever manner they do, that is whether they are inside of or outside of a prison. He states to the inmates that most people outside of prison are criminals in an acceptable way i.e. the gas company, retailers, etc. When Darrow looks at advertisements all he sees are lies. Darrow views selling for profit as a societally acceptable crime. I believe that Darrow views himself as a Robin Hood of sorts, exposing the richs exploitation of the poor as crime. He was a visionary for his time: reading his text, I felt as if the views were very modern and could have been written recently. Darrow expresses that humanity is forced into crime because of poverty. He gives examples. The first is kidnapping. Darrow states, This crime is born, not because people are bad; people dont kidnap other peoples children because they want the children or because they are devilish, but because they see a chance to get some money out of it. The second is burglary, he states that no one stumbles around in the dark in a strangers house; no one takes that risk, unless they are desperate and h...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human systems - nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human systems - nutrition - Essay Example Proteins are large organic compounds made of amino acids arranged in a linear chain and joined together by peptide bonds. Proteins include structural proteins, enzymes, nucleoproteins, proteins that transport oxygen, muscle protein, and many other types of proteins that have specific functions (Guyton, 1986). Proteins differ from one another in their nutritive value and maybe classified into three groups (Pruthi, 1999): Fats are organic compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Fats are the most concentrated source of energy in foods, and they belong to a group of substances called lipids (Food and Nutrition Board, 2005). Dietary fat consists primarily (98 %) of triacylglycerol, which is composed of one glycerol molecule esterified with three fatty acid molecules, and smaller amounts of phospholipids and sterols (Food and Nutrition Board, 2005). Fatty acids are hydrocarbon chains that contain a methyl (CH3-) and a carboxyl (-COOH) end (Food and Nutrition Board, 2005). The fatty acids vary in carbon chain length, and may be saturated or unsaturated depending on their proportions (Food and Nutrition Board, 2005). Sources of fat include cooking fats and oils, butter, margarine, fried foods, animal products etc (Pruthi, 1999). Minerals are found as a constituent of the mineral matter of the bones, as structural constituents of the soft tissues and as constituents of physiologically active substances e.g. Iron in haemoglobin. The important minerals are calcium, phosphorous and iron. Vitamins are nutrients and biomolecules required in small amounts (Lieberman & Bruning 1990; Pruthi 1999.). The vitamins include: Vitamin A (retinal), Vitamin B group (B1-thiamine, B2-riboflavin, B6-pyridoxine, B12-cobalamin), Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin D (calciferol), Vitamin E (tocopherol) and Vitamin K, biotin, folate, pantothenic acid and Niacin (Lieberman & Bruning 1990). Carbohydrates and fats serve as the main sources of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Reading Journal Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Journal - Coursework Example the chapters (Chapter 13) in the book it has been told that the early 17th and mid 20th centuries have been very favorable for Europe as it has dominated majority of the world (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 322). The entire European rule has been discussed in a detailed and effective manner through which I have been able to learn a lot about what exactly happened during these centuries and how United Kingdom, France, Austria, United Provinces of Netherlands etc. used to rule other parts of Europe. It has been possible through the readings that I learnt about the condition of France after Louis XIV (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 334). Previously, I was not very well aware of the Ptolemaic System and the Cultures during the 16th and 17th Century, however, after reading chapter 14 I was quite informed about the system, norms and cultures (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 349). Although I do not know anything about the system and the culture as I have not lived in it but it was due to the excess of information and the detailed sub-parts that I am able to understand scientific societies and how their systems actually worked (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 355). Economy is also an important aspect of any society or country. Since, Europe has a dominating role during the 18th century therefore its economy must have been strong and stable. From the Varieties of Aristocratic Privileges to French Nobility and Family structures and Family economy, all have been discussed in this chapter and has helped me in improving my knowledge regarding the subject (Kagan, Ozment and Turner 373). Similarly, the second chapter â€Å"‘I am the State’: The Development of Absolutism in England and France† has equally helped me expanding my knowledge regarding the development of Absolutism in the two countries (Rogers 25). Furthermore, subjects like Scientific Revolution have never been of such interest. This is due to the fact that author has successfully elaborated each and every detail in the book along

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Women Characters in Othello and The Rover Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Women Characters in Othello and The Rover - Essay Example The plays â€Å"Othello† by William Shakespeare and â€Å"The Rover† by Aphra Behn bear the essence of their time and most importantly both these contemporary plays have emerged beyond their time, captivating some of the most recent post-modern interpretations and feministic bent of perception has been poignant in their purview. Role of Women in the Plays â€Å"Othello† and â€Å"The Rover† Against the Context of the Male Dominated Society In order to discuss the alternative role of women in the plays that has evolved from a male –dominated society, it is essential to judge the genre of both the works as the nature of the plays shall evidently determine the perspective from which the women and her empowerment as an alternative factor in a society dominated by masculine facades are presented. It is noteworthy that the play, â€Å"Othello† by William Shakespeare is out and out a tragedy, where Desdemona, the victim and the wife of Othello falls prey into the trap of misunderstanding and false infidelity from her husband’s end. On the other hand, â€Å"The Rover† by Aphra Behn is a very popular Restoration Comedy where there are multiple plots and intriguingly all of them contain women as a pivot to the plot development. In â€Å"Othello† Shakespeare has tried to portray a strong Venetian patriarchal society where the women are viewed as an object of possession, an entity of subjugation, a temptress and a whore but at the same platform they are also viewed as powerless creatures falling into the omnipotent and all-pervasive clutches of destiny designed by men themselves. The three women character Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca are seen at the outset of the play respecting men almost to the point of worshipping them. But Desdemona’s tragic trajectory definitely serves as a lesson to the other women and Desdemona as well. Emilia is seen evolving out as a power centre in the play after the tragic con sequence of Desdemona and by the climax of the play, women characters in the play are shown internalising society’s expectations about them. On the same platform they were shown to subjugate under and accept the male authority, behaving the way men want them to react and that seems ‘natural’ to them and to the readers. But in their private moments, they are seen evolving as an alternative power centre in the male dominated society, ‘Nay, we must think men are not gods’ (Shakespeare, 2008). The evolution or the transformation of women characters and the kind of language and actions of women characters incorporated in the plot of the play â€Å"Othello† by Shakespeare indicate that Shakespeare’s three women characters although seem subservient but the women characters in the play exhibit a role that indicates a step tentative of approach towards an egalitarian society. This is achieved by the female characters of the play by coming out of the conventional role allotted to the women by men folk of the society. The play â€Å"The Rover† is an excellent piece of restoration comedy which was written in two halves and the first part is divided into five plots. There is a definite and pertinent feministic bent within the plot of the play which is displayed through fragmented instances and incidents in the play pertaining to women, vulnerable to rape. Also the tragic consequence of Angellica after being jilted by Wilmore, it becomes quite obvious that Behn used the platform of comedy to launch a protest movement against the powerless status of women in her society. Every plot of the play has a women character subjugated to injustice and misery in the play. And all these women characters simultaneously try to break free the conventional role assigned to them by the society to evolve out as peer and sometimes superior to the men in the play. For

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Importance of Art in Daily Life

The Importance of Art in Daily Life Every day morning, many people enjoy sitting outside watching sunrise. They feel relaxed seeing the arrival of the sun with its pure light and the traveling of the night with its darkness. They consider that a new life will start as the sun starts her new life. Not only they watch the sun, many people enjoy drawing this view because they will feel for once that their minds are relaxed and not thinking except in this new born. This research highlights over the importance of art in our daily life. It also recalls us about the different types of art and how each of them depends on special artist and special instruments used. In this research we will also know the relation between colors and how colors are grouped in two. Also we will notice that art is most important than what we consider because we see art everywhere and each day because every thing in life is an artwork. Art is your emotions flowing in a river of imagination. If you stand for a moment in front any work of art, which has many shapes and many line cannot be described, you start to imagine things by walking on that lines and shapes trying to connect them to get a specific shape done from your imagination. What if the picture is a sunrise? You will begin thinking in every sadness or happiness things that happened to you. No one these days knows the really importance of art. Art is everywhere in the entire world. It is ones creativity and imagination. Art is the most things you use and see always without paying attention to that. If you want to know what does art mean? You have to look at every thing surrounding you, at every thing you use in your daily life, you will notice that every thing you see shows an art, especially your clothes, your hair design, your shoes etc All of them are arts. Art help us see everything and everyone completely different. Art is not a reading to get bored or listening to get epileptic, its something which opens to us a field of questions and answers to things we see. Thats up to us. It doesnt impose itself on us to hear, think, or even understand; on the contrary it takes us to a long-lost world, to a fiction world, to a field of thoughts. Art can be in different forms audio like music, songs, and poems. Visual as film making, photography and painting, they differ depending on artist, style and material used Audio arts are the most used type of art. They can be in the form of music, song or poetries. They help in relaxing ones mind. Music is thought to link all of the emotional and physical elements of the universe. Music can also be used to change persons mood, and has been found to cause like physical responses in many people simultaneously. Music also has the ability to strengthen or weaken emotions from a particular event such as a funeral. (Stancato, 2009) Moreover the song, which is another type of audio art, has physiological effects too. Try for once to know what does successful and motivated people listen to, you will be amazed that they tend to special type of songs and music! You will never find a self-motivated person who does not listen to motivating songs. Although romantic persons listen to special type of songs and music, they listen to classical and romantic ones. Poetries are also a third type of audio art. The author poem expresses his feeling in his writings. They are similar to writing songs, and can be sung too. Both poetries and songs depend on music to be sang, they need an artist having soft voice and the writers mind and pen too. But music doesnt need any of them. Music needs different musical instruments like piano, guitar and others. In addition to different instrument, they come in different times. Visual arts are popular art. They differ from the audio art.à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Artists place images, forms, colors, ideas, down in such a way that can be communicated with you the viewer. When you read the work it will serve your understanding in a multitude of vibrant ways. It will begin to make sense, in some cases a perverse kind of sense. An artist will take you on a trip around his work. He will tell you what to view and in what order. He will attempt to provoke a variety of responses, even negative ones. He will appeal to your sense of wonder. This artwork will and should ask as many questions of both the intellect and the emotions as it answers.à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  (simm). This is true of all art. In the visual arts, painting, photography, film making, there is no substitute for looking. The various theories of Emotional Color will, usually all unknown to the viewer, play an increasingly important role. What are these theories? Red for danger, black for death and morbidity, in the western world at least, are two of the most obvious. The Madonnas cowl in a religious painting is always a certain blue. This was originally produced from a semi precious stone called Lapis Lazuli before the advent of chemical paint. The emotional aspects of this should be obvious. Warm colors, reds oranges, yellows appear to come towards the viewer and are on occasion welcoming. The cool colors, blues, some greens appear to recede. Atmospheric or aerial perspective is used by artists in this manner to provoke a feeling of distance or vastness. Have you ever considered why a certain type of music is called the blues? Or why colors themselves are thought to sing? Why certain color combinations are called Complimentary. (These are the opposites on the color wheel, a primary with a secondary, Red and Green, Yellow and Purple, Blue and Orange). (simm)Painting, photography and filmmaking differ in the instrument used and in the way each is viewed. Painting is the a rtisans drawing using his colors, brushes and his wide thought. The artisans drawing depends on his mood and on what type of colors he likes more. Whereas photography is to capture amazing images using a special instrument, the camera or the video too. Film making requires neither colors nor camera. They need a story to be acted. Also it needs the writer and the actor. Hence art is universal, and is everywhere. Not only art is for one who exercise a work art and like it. It is for everyone. Art is more important then one can consider. Without art one cannot see any thing beautiful because art add attraction and beauty to any thing one can look at, even if he look at himself. Also art reflects to us the mood and the feelings of the artist so that if hes happy he will do something amazed or funny, and if he is upset he will use to do things which would hold you to another world of thinks. Some one said Art is the only way to run away without leaving home. This quote is special and is the truth because when you feel upset what is the first thing you resort to? Sure its listening music, playing piano, dancing, drawing etc and others because you will not leave home in a bad mood. All what you will do is a branch of art, because art is the best way to feel that you are relaxed since it helps you to thought deeply about your problems. Also art may help yo u forget everything depressed you because your mind will be as a flying bird, from tree to tree, searching for a place where he will feel safe from the dangers of life. So art is very important because it translates ones feelings and shares his emotions without disturbing him, on the contrary it helps him feel better and forget every thing depressing him. Another example is when a man see a beautiful woman, he will run after her until she accepts to meet him or to give him her number, but if he see an ugly girl, he will change his way because he get disgusted. So art is very important in our life, because without art world will be so disgusted, depressed and bored.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet - Hamlet’s Best Friend, Horatio :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Hamlet’s Best Friend, Horatio      Ã‚  Ã‚   A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy notes a problem involving Horatio in Shakespeare’s Hamlet:    When Horatio, at the end of the soliloquy, enters and greets Hamlet, it is evident that he and Hamlet have not recently met at Elsinore. Yet Horatio came to Elsinore for the funeral (I.ii. 176). Now even if the funeral took place some three weeks ago, it seems rather strange that Hamlet, however absorbed in grief and however withdrawn from the Court, has not met Horatio [. . .] . (368)    The closest friend of the hero is a fellow-student from Wittenberg (Granville-Barker 93) -- Horatio. He is an interesting and faithful friend, as this essay will demonstrate.    Marchette Chute in â€Å"The Story Told in Hamlet† describes Horatio’s part in the opening scene of the play:    The story opens in the cold and dark of a winter night in Denmark, while the guard is being changed on the battlements of the royal castle of Elsinore. For two nights in succession, just as the bell strikes the hour of one, a ghost has appeared on the battlements, a figure dressed in complete armor and with a face like that of the dead king of Denmark, Hamlet’s father. A young man named Horatio, who is a school friend of Hamlet, has been told of the apparition and cannot believe it, and one of the officers has brought him there in the night so that he can see it for himself. The hour comes, and the ghost walks. (35)    Horatio, frightened, futilely confronts the ghost:    What art thou that usurp'st this time of night,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Together with that fair and warlike form   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In which the majesty of buried Denmark   Ã‚  Ã‚     Did sometimes march? by heaven I charge thee, speak! (1.1)    Maynard Mack in â€Å"The World of Hamlet† maintains that Horatio’s words to the spirit â€Å"are subsequently seen to have reached beyond their contexts. . . (244). So Horatio and Marcellus exit the ramparts of Elsinore intending to enlist the aid of Hamlet, who is home from school. Hamlet is dejected by the â€Å"o’erhasty marriage† of his mother to his uncle less than two months after the funeral of Hamlet’s father (Gordon 128). Soon Horatio and Marcellus make contact with Hamlet with a strange greeting (Bradley 370) and escort him to the ramparts of Elsinore.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Effects of Globalization in the Philippines

The Adverse Effects of Globalization in the Philippines Most modern economist called this â€Å"World New Economic Order† that is all States in the world bend themselves to promote free flow of the economy. All country and State open its market with minimal or without any restrictions. Hence, for instance, Philippine economy is freely open for the global market with limited restriction or worst without limitation. For this reason modern economic superpowers, the members of this G7 (e. i. , United States, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Canada, Italy) hassle-free to intervene the Philippine economy.This trend is popularly known as the Globalization. It has three elements the privatization, deregulation, and the liberalization. To explain further the essence of this Globalization, we need to put scrutiny to its three elements. First, the privatization it is the policy wherein the Government Own and Controlled Corporations (GOCC's) where privatized by selling it to the private sector . Second, the deregulation, meaning the government has to cut its control over the industry for basic commodities, e. g. , oil, water, electricity.Lastly, liberalization, is the policy by which all laws regarding import products were amended or abolished, for example tariff and quota. Privatization is the process where all government own corporations are privatized, and maintained by the private sector. We cannot denied that when a business is in the hands of private institution it is oriented for profit. These GOCC's are basically State's inherent corporations because their services are for the public consumption like the electricity, water, transportation, telecommunications, and the like.They are essentials for the well being of the State. This trend of Globalization threaten this State's natural order. This trend, as push by the G7, paving these economic superpowers to access to the basic industries of a subject country. The truth is members of G7 has all the available resources , for the intervention of certain economy of a subject state. Take for example the Philippines, as said it is the largest producer of geothermal energy in the world, yet one of the highest rate of electricity in the world.This is true because the Philippines' electric industry is on the hands of private company. This is also true to other basic industry. Second element that is deregulation. To deregulate meaning the government has no legislative intervention over the certain corporation which main industry is for public consumption, as long as the company submitted reason of the their actions. Best example of this is the Philippine Oil Deregulation Law or Republic Act (R. A. ) 8479. Before, oil price is under controlled of the government by means of its quasi-agency, Oil Price Stability Fund (OPSF).This quasi-agency hold the price of Oil. Logically the fair market value. It is possible because when the price of Oil in the world market is low the OPSF remain its price to the local ma rket as it was brought high, the remaining stocks were sold higher than the world market. The government gained huge profit from this scheme. And when the price of Oil in the world market go up the government reimburse it from the profit they gained when it was low. So it's a circle as long as the price of Oil is stable and affordable.But when this G7 introduced the policy of globalization, underdeveloped and developing countries no way to run but suck it, bypassing the negative effects. When the R. A. 8479 and the OPSF were abolished, its pave the private companies to raise the price of oil to their discretion. Today the policy of oil price hike in the local market is determined by the movement of world market, which is obviously under controlled by the G7 and the greedy oil exporting countries. Now it is unstable and skyrocketing. Lastly, the liberalization meaning to liberalize.This process is done by means of amending or worst abolish the laws regarding restriction or limitation of import products, for example the tariff and quota. When a certain economy is liberalized, product of developed countries basically can enter to the developing and least develop nation. It's obvious that these products are surplus from their market, simply outsource the surplus. In the developed countries like the United States there are also economic struggle, but not in negative sense. The problem is the surplus products and surplus capital.Hence, US government today is more than willing to do tax reimbursement or refund: to circulate the market. They don't want history to be repeated way back in the mid 1940-the economic depression. It is also true to their products they need to find a new market. Basically, modern economic States did not help these underdeveloped and the developing States uplifting their poor condition, if they do so they're putting themselves in jeopardy. We conclude that if it is the reason of the policy, so why seems all the nation still upholding this tre nd of Globalization?There are so many reasons. One reason, take for example the Philippines poor and developing country. The economy is heavily dependent on its agriculture and natural resources. Its been a clamor to develop its economy it badly needed funds. The government in order to avert such problem needs to lend huge amount of money from world financial institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These financial institutions obviously from the G7 because they have the huge share.And basically these institutions existed for that cause-to controlled and to intervene over the the borrowing States. The Philippines is relatively young, poor country it passes several difficulties, one of this is the rampant corruptions. For this problem the State needs to gamble, borrowed money from these world financial institutions. Since the problem is systemic the circle is still going- borrow money, and put it to the pocket of corruption. Until such time that the debt of the Philippines were ballooning.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on CFCs

The poisoning of the Earth’s ozone layer is increasingly attracting worldwide concern for the global environment and the health effects of life on the Planet Earth. There is not just one particular cause for the ozone’s depletion; the accumulation of different pollutants into our ozone layer has all added up and equaled a worldwide problem. There is not just one effect from the poisoning of the ozone, but instead multiple ramifications from diseases to death. The damage to the ozone is increasing with every second; moreover, there are many ways we can help reduce the problem and preserve the ozone layer. Ozone is a pale blue gaseous form of oxygen, in chemical form it is also known as O3. Ozone can be beneficial or harmful depending on its location in the Earth’s atmosphere. If the ozone is located in the troposphere (which extends from the surface of the Earth up to approxiametly10 miles) it is a harmful pollutant and a major component in smog and other environm ental health problems. Such tropospheric ozone can damage plastic, rubber, plant and animal tissue. Ozone located approximately 10-25 miles above the Earth’s surface, in a part of the Earth’s atmosphere called the stratosphere is very beneficial. The ozone is a major factor that makes life possible on Earth. About 90% of the planet’s ozone is in the ozone layer. Ozone in this layer shields and filters out the Earth from 95-99 percent the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. A low level of ozone does not protect or prevent the sun’s ultraviolet rays from reaching the surface of the Earth, therefore, overexposing life on Earth causing many diseases. The depletion of the ozone is caused by many factors, but the one cause that will be elaborated on in the next paragraph is the main reason our ozone is continuously being poisoned. The major cause in the depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer is because of the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosph ere. Chlorofluorocar... Free Essays on CFC's Free Essays on CFC's The poisoning of the Earth’s ozone layer is increasingly attracting worldwide concern for the global environment and the health effects of life on the Planet Earth. There is not just one particular cause for the ozone’s depletion; the accumulation of different pollutants into our ozone layer has all added up and equaled a worldwide problem. There is not just one effect from the poisoning of the ozone, but instead multiple ramifications from diseases to death. The damage to the ozone is increasing with every second; moreover, there are many ways we can help reduce the problem and preserve the ozone layer. Ozone is a pale blue gaseous form of oxygen, in chemical form it is also known as O3. Ozone can be beneficial or harmful depending on its location in the Earth’s atmosphere. If the ozone is located in the troposphere (which extends from the surface of the Earth up to approxiametly10 miles) it is a harmful pollutant and a major component in smog and other environm ental health problems. Such tropospheric ozone can damage plastic, rubber, plant and animal tissue. Ozone located approximately 10-25 miles above the Earth’s surface, in a part of the Earth’s atmosphere called the stratosphere is very beneficial. The ozone is a major factor that makes life possible on Earth. About 90% of the planet’s ozone is in the ozone layer. Ozone in this layer shields and filters out the Earth from 95-99 percent the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. A low level of ozone does not protect or prevent the sun’s ultraviolet rays from reaching the surface of the Earth, therefore, overexposing life on Earth causing many diseases. The depletion of the ozone is caused by many factors, but the one cause that will be elaborated on in the next paragraph is the main reason our ozone is continuously being poisoned. The major cause in the depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer is because of the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosph ere. Chlorofluorocar...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Day of Infamy Speech Given by FDR After Pearl Harbor

Day of Infamy Speech Given by FDR After Pearl Harbor At 12:30 p.m. on December 8, 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt stood before Congress and gave what is now known as his Day of Infamy or Pearl Harbor speech. This speech was given only a day following the  Empire of Japans strike on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and the Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire. Roosevelts Declaration Against Japan The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii shocked almost everyone in the United States military and left Pearl Harbor vulnerable and unprepared. In his  speech, Roosevelt declared that December 7, 1941, the day that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, would remain a date which will live in infamy. The word infamy derives from the root word fame, and translates roughly to fame gone bad. Infamy, in this  case, also meant strong condemnation and public reproach due to the result of Japans  conduct. The particular line on infamy from Roosevelt has become so famous that it is hard to believe the first draft had the phrase written as a date which will live in world history. The Beginning of World War II The nation was divided on entering the second war until the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. This had everyone united against the Empire of Japan in remembrance and support of Pearl Harbor. At the end of the speech, Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war against Japan and his request was granted that same day. Because Congress immediately declared war, the United States subsequently entered World War II officially.  Official declarations of war must be done by Congress, who have the sole power to declare war and have done so on 11 total occasions since 1812. The last formal declaration of war was World War II. The text below is the speech as Roosevelt delivered it, which differs slightly from his final written draft. Full Text of FDRs Day of Infamy Speech Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7th, 1941- a date which will live in infamy- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 - Research Paper Example It quickly became apparent to all as soon as the scandal became public that both it and the cause behind it could have been avoided. To try to prevent other corporate scandals and collapses from happening, President George W. Bush signed into law the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, named for its sponsors, which would establish measures for corporate oversight and promise stiff punishments for those that even attempted, knowingly or unknowingly, to engage in corporate fraud (Bumiller, 2002). Promising to hold the top echelon of corporate executives accountable, and overhauling auditing and recording practices, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was declared to be the most far-reaching reform of the United States of America since the time of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bumiller, 2002). Enron: From Start, to Scandal The story of what would be one of the largest scandals in history started in 1985, when Enron came into existence as Kenneth Lay combined his company, Houston Natural Gas, with InterNorth Corporatio n to form Enron (National Public Radio, 2002). Hoping to gain further profits and showcase its new status as not just a business but a competitor, Enron started to market what was known as futures contracts or the delivery of natural gas to buyers for a certain price at some point in time in the future (National Public Radio, 2002). Like a giant game of Monopoly, Enron worked the boards buying and selling, building profits while growing the business larger and larger, expanding its business. Unfortunately, the investments and contracts that Enron had become known for by 2001 did next to nothing in terms of earning money. The investments that were made and secured largely were not turning a profit, or even earning a return (National Public Radio, 2002). Enron had invested sums of its own corporate funds in operations that, it had hoped, would provide even more money with which to run the business, thus creating a cycle of profit (National Public Radio, 2002). That money never materia lized, though this was kept secret until Enron filed for bankruptcy. The ensuing scandal brought about major reforms in the way accounting practices and audits were conducted, starting with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Enron and GAAP Violations Above all, the biggest question posed to Enron was, what exactly happened? By all accounts, it appeared to be doing well. Even its own employees did not suspect wrongdoings within the company (Cruver, 2003). Unfortunately, Enron also violated Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), or guidelines set out for the preparation of financial statements, in a number of ways (Cunningham & Harris, 2006). While this was not the entire reason for the collapse of the giant that left many without jobs and executives heading to jail for their actions, the ignorance and violation of GAAP principles may well have been the starting point.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Yemen problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Yemen problems - Essay Example The modern process of desalination aims at developing cost effective ways of water provision to the people along the coast. It is viewed as a rainfall independent source of water. The vapor – compression desalination process refers to the process used to distill water. This distillation process involves the evaporation of saline or sea water by the application of heat obtained from compressed vapor. The compression of vapor to be used in the desalination process links them together. Compression of vapor increases both temperature and pressure of the vapor. The latent heat generated at this stage can be used to generate more power and additional vapor. There are two methods that can apply the effect of compressed water. The first one, thermo compression, utilizes an ejector system, motivated by the steam found at the monomeric pressure obtained from an external source. This aims at recycling vapor from the desalination process. The second method involves compressing the water v apor with the use of a mechanical device. The mechanical vapor compression, MVC, in which the evaporation effect takes place at the manometer, is used to recycle water (Wang et al., 2008). The compression turbine facilitates the mechanical compression. The generated vapor gets directed back towards the heat exchanger condenser to turn the vapor into water. In the process, the resultant fresh water is transferred to a storage area while the heat removed in the condensation process gets transmitted back in the remaining feedback. The vapor compression units are applied in the desalination processes. Fig1. Desalination process As indicated in fig. 1 above, heat is introduced at the top of the loop by the cooling device. The heat vaporizes the liquid refrigerant found in the evaporation plate. The vapor is carried through to the compressor to sanction tube. Energy is supplied in order to warm vapor to obtain hot vapor with high pressure to be passed to the condenser. The boiling high-pr essure vapor discharges heat to the air stream on the other side of the condenser fins as it cools and condenses into warm liquid. The Warm liquid is then pumped from the bottommost of the condenser through an expansion device where temperature and pressure drop meaningfully, forming the refrigeration effect. The cycle completes as the cold fluid passes to the cold plate. Hui (2007) highlights that following advantages and disadvantages of Vapor Compression Merits  · trouble free, low maintenance compressor and cheap Low noise vibration Driven by live steam Ability to turn salty water into clean pure water  · Low mass flow rate  · high Vapor compression operations,  · Low cold plate temperature and the capability to transport heat away from the source. Demerits Require high steam pressure Relatively high quantity of hot processes water derived Dumping the unexploited salt solution back into the ocean makes the process difficult. The potential to destroy ocean life Energy req uirement for starting up power desalination plants is an enormous expense, and burning fossil fuels appear like choosing an environmental crisis. If regions located away from the coastline or in a high altitude make an effort to use desalinated water, it proves to be an even more costly process. High altitudes and distant distances require abundant resources to transport the water from the salt water body. It is an expensive venture Charitable organizations Several groups have come forward to help alleviate the water crisis in Yemen. The first group is the Islamic Relief, USA. It has been working towards a better future. The group has set up water supply systems in many parts including Sarohindi village. The project ensures that people get clean water for themselves and their animals.