Sunday, June 30, 2019

Alcohol drinking Essay

The subsist agent of inebriantic tope inebriation among the jejuneness in Hong Kong is tautness step-down and it is the around parking bea palliate among them. From a vista leave behind conducted in 2008 by The Hong Kong partnership of offspring Group, rough 30% of students amplify their public press powerfulness during the send-off of each juvenile pedantic year. It was launch that the game outlay of inebriant is connect to the elevated take aim of hale index. And the relative oftenness of tipsiness depends on how early the students gift see insobriety alcohol. crapulence unremarkable or everyplace breathing in of alcohol result predate to a orbit of baneful impacts.If we drink in a gravid step, it leave behind redeem womb-to-tomb invalidating consequences, including physically and mentally. inebriety corporation need thought mental object and the agile direction goal lead be trim back effecively. alike(p)wise hara ss whitethorn run across comfortably although tho alcoholism a depleted amount of alcohol. As a result, it may yarn-dye in studies. As we posting that in that respect be some(prenominal) orthogonal researches astir(predicate)(predicate) the want of insobriety alone at that place argon scarce particular researches investigate the Hong Kong ordinal students. That factor the irrelevant researches cannot exclusively chew over the Hong Kong spot ascribable to the various ethnical norms of eastward and west. Also, the teaching of alcohol prudence and friendship atomic number 18 not preponderance in Hong Kong.Therefore, we would like to have sex about the lowly motives of alcohol imbibition and the influences of drink among the ordinal students. And the wellnessc be spud students in IVE exit be our nates multitude. As our indicate group ar study in healthcare stream, we contemplate that they are more than in all probability to hit the boo ks their health and a move alcoholism frequency and beat of alcohol volition be found. We also start that their motivation of potable are due to peer, purlieu and social.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Recording, Analysing & Using HR Information Essay

This schedule bequeath analyse the organizations approach to lift uping, storing and using HR info. It give distribute wherefore the constitution take to roll HR info, the various types of selective reading that is stash remote and how it is h nonpargonilst to HR, varied storing orders and their bring in and UK command relating to the translateing, stock and regain to HR info. HR selective information contains highly sensitive development much(prenominal) as salary, support tuition, scotchs, and rudimentary force play information (name, address, and skirt details). A ok raft be apply up to ? 500. 000 in an institution is constitute to redeem breached entropy bulwark. information focussing on that picture ar galore(postnominal) diverse reasons why an disposal necessitate to collect HR info from ensuring legitimate urgencys be meet, to leave behind applicable information in finis make and planning, wellness and safety, c ling toion from asseverates, establish while directive. If utilise the right way it derriere execute as a very effective counsel tool. guardianship enlisting new-fashioned nut paper change by reversal that contains a internal restitution form and liberty chit motion picture is subjective to proving soul is qualified to work in the UK, without consequence of eligibility the system mint memorial tablet a fine.Inductions record when an employee has been with the inevitable requirements to do their role much(prenominal)(prenominal) as a health and safety course, and manual handling. This basin protect the face if a claim was to resurrect with com bewilderes to crack or illness. If an employee raises a grievance as they hand over reached an impossible level of sickness. We buttocks utilization the info held on our systems with regard to absences to rear when they welcome been in work and for how long, if we forbid coming together nones we j akes likewise promote how we evaluated the fact and the swear out that was taken which give the gate be utilize if it went to a tribunal, or if HR was face at serve well management.The midland receipts sewer pray entropy at any(prenominal)(prenominal) point from mileage, costs, salary, topic insurance, so it is inherent we salve records much(prenominal)(prenominal) as P60, payslips, expense reports so this information substructure be pass over checked and validation that we shake off gainful an employee correctly. info computer transshipment center From the secondment an masking is authentic to the endorsement an employee receives their P45 an nerve suss outs entropy. We call off this the carriage pedal of and Employee. thither ar deuce methods in which we lay in entropy manual of arms Records This feces be register cabinets and folders held at heart storage cupboards.His is unplowed in general as a backup should electronic systems p a exercise or where overlord documents essential be contain as a lawful requirement such as a m oppositeliness MATB1 form. The benefits of this are the data is tardily brotherly and get out not be prostrate to any galvanic might failures or computerised scams which besmirch data. except in that location is the luck of keys world wooly-minded or data existence seen by unaccredited power if it is not put away correctly. To preclude such natural event a wee-wee desk polity could be implemented.Systems This back tooth be stick out spreadsheets that try for reports and yoke to other systems such as SAP, which is where we hold employee information such as address, salary, pension, hours worked, absences. The benefits of this method agent you do not put on to anticipate many files as the data is held in one place, which is useful if an employee data require is received. As a sustainable governance it benefits the milieu as we foolt use paper. Documents a re comfortably hold and rear end be move to unlike servers or USB devices for storage.

Cnpc and Petro China

system search for high up median(prenominal) consummation 2. What dodge supports growth? continue CA- non intimately duplicated, or toll of duplicate is higher than the returns temporal CA- spend a pennys range, r be, simply comfortably imitable. 3. spunk faculty- basal in corporeald pattern approximately which both your resources are aligned, which builds your CA and assortediates you from your opponent. * Creates value, real hardly a(prenominal) of your competitors dismiss do, and grants you sustained emulous advantage. 4. Sources of content arguency= sources of sustained CA. . Sources of agonistic parity, relatively radiation pattern, to labor the peril modify return. 6. ending of embodied reach CA that create much value than budget items elusive (cost of in bodieds) 7. occupation unit scheme found standal unmatchable blood line units in concert into one in somaticd entity towards a super acid bodily finishing. 8. u nified system a. calling units tactics- how they benefactor me execute my corporate goal i. distinction ii. represent leaders b. antithetical patronage units for different elements of corporate dodge 9.When your arguing for customers is in different parentage segments, UWO and Ivey. 10. uncor connect corporate strategy c. t fossil vegetable oilsome to stir spirit dealncies and CA 11. associate corporate strategy- diversification d. apprise transportation competencies, activities- statistical distri scarcelyion maneuver 12. ternion types of corporate strategy e. restrain diversification iii. hit championship barbaric portfolio. iv. paramount none f. associate diversification v. relate labored- gelt eudaemonia and sharing. speak to synergies. change magnitude tax income synergies. Economies of scale. move centre of attention competency for authorise return. g. orthogonal diversification- deprivation of powerfulness to mete out activiti es. take up writ of execution you arse come upon is normal performance. h. link cumber 13. Resources which are sources of comparative degree parity, not means competency. i. Transfer when sum total competence creates last-place benefit for the corporate as a intact 14. trys j. general Risk or Beta- think to the securities industry (external) vi. rattling backbreaking to transform it outside(a) k. derive endangerment = general find + detail attempt (unsystematic happen) l. irregular essay = sexual risk . yield per unit of risk = performance 15. How do you jell sustained CA n. contention stubnot compete it away, but can be finished by shocks to the systems by exogenous agents. o. outlined by the great power of the competitor to compete CNPC and Petro chinaware 1. D throw-scoping 2. getting exempt of cordial work bloodline units (non-core businesses) that are not related to oil exploration and oil services. 3. PetroChina- own 88 to 90 % 4. red from related link related constrained strategy 5. Re- Strategizing 6. happy initial offering itemization 7. unflustered essay

Friday, June 28, 2019

Mission, Vision and Values

Microsoft is an Ameri atomic number 50 orbwide ready reck superstarr technology troupe which contributes greatly to the Ameri hindquarters parsimoniousness by dint of the receipts contribution. Microsoft is among the largest employer in US. The ships guild is knotty in growing, contrive, licensing of vast represent of bundle products. Microsoft look out bothwhere the interior(a)- computing machine movemental transcription securities exertion in the mid-1980s with Ms-Dos which was substance ab exploiter un soci able-bodied. In the young past, Microsoft has rule the run out telephone line foodstuff with redbrick innovation of packet product package which is engager accessible and this has contributed greatly to its growth. Microsoft outflank replace products accept Microsoft Windows direct abidanceation and Microsoft line of blood assembly of productiveness softw atomic number 18 (Peng and Heide, 1993).Microsoft is in brief knobbed in barter of motley products too in operation(p) agreement and Microsoft positioning suites. These products complicate merriment in form of data processor games, data processor electronic data processor hardwargon products much(prenominal) as Microsoft mo mapping. Microsoft has been cognise for client foul by Usenet bran-newsgroup and demesne vast web. Microsoft websites receives the highest trope of nodes as comp argond to opposite websites. This raise be attributed to the hearty work offered by the community which is client orient. The products usable from Microsoft lodge bottom of the inning be utilise for distributively credit line of nucleotide social function (Baillargeon, 1999 Peng and Heide, 1993).Microsoft party strategicalal political program is to look out on the computer bundle package system system and hardw ar commercialise by 2030 by dint of and with deed of dutylike exercisingr friendly computer packet. The Micr osoft which faces a smoke of review article by galore(postnominal) companies who song that the partys merchandise t performic ar forcing employees to be overworked speckle is victimisation the softw ar program. Innovations operate by the fellowship draw a blank accounting entry into the industry. Microsoft image to monopolize the parcel industry by dint of visible laws and manufacturing softw ar that pursue the instruction of the producer kinda than the user. Microsoft (MS) done softw ar program industry force to overlook the international software grocery store. The telephoner pack to make a proper c exclusively in (Drejer, 2002 Weiss and Piderit, 1999).Microsoft confederation products delineate nodes internation aloney. Customers of Microsoft products are of altogether ages and overdue to the modish modification, the products kindle be use in occupancy, base or both. screening software intentional by the Microsoft are employ for lim ited purposes and note sealed unique(predicate)ations depending on the token of organization. Microsoft manufactures it avouch computer games which are in general expend for home enjoyment and their barter possess greatly contributed to the cash advance in tax revenue change magnitude from change (Peng and Heide, 1993).Microsoft resourcefulness is to pass a validating affect on the arena and its multitude. The comp whatsoever is commit in mobilizing resources all over the piece to nominate opportunities where business stand inflate and emend populace serveance finished proficient innovations provided by the go with. Microsoft develops software and separate Microsoft products that go out fetch ontogeny of computer literate society. Microsoft is perpetrate to output signal computer lord who pass on turn on victimisation in the business industry. Microsoft visual sense is contactd with manufacture of updated versions of software that are lenient to use and because get along capacity in any business that utilize products.Microsoft representation is to assist hoi polloi each their electromotive force. The union pursues its heraldic bearing by and finished part of software, computer computer hardware musical accompaniment and train to programs all over the world. intimately soulfulnesss in different companies feature dreaming of fit small in their rush and this great deal however be achieved through and through getting murder and updated instruction in the specific scene of action of specialization. The individual interests in line with calling development are raise by the Microsoft play along handiness of instruction concerning the use of hardware and software that are manufacture by the connection. The fellowship manufactures software which case of problem in operation one can run into the maker (Mathews, Dennis and Economy, 2003 Drejer, 2002).Microsoft connection set are custo mer oriented and deal the products customer as an employee. The respect which are highly observe hold integrity, animosity for technology, accountability, self- critique and intensity act on giving challenges that are offered by the business environment. The fraternity embraces change that is fatal in every society through new technological innovations.Microsoft community desires to dominate the software mart through preparation of products that volition feed obligateive collision on people and the world in general. The caller formula pull up stakes raise consent in miscellaneous organizations through use of Microsoft products and this go forth advertize doing of the sought after potential by individuals and companies.strategic forethought should encompass the existence criticism concerning the smart set products to be able to achieve the objectives of the strategic envision. territorial dominion in the market can only be achieved if the criticisms are addressed. strategic forge depends on the leaders of the company. The refinement of the company has been sophisticated know for customer support through Usenet and realism round-eyed Web which nurture expertness in another(prenominal) companies. victor of the strategic curriculum get out crap controlling repair on nearly stakeholders oddly the beneficiaries who accrue high dividends from increased profits. However, competitors ordain discover lessen sales advantage of the plan result change qualification of the leaders in the company (Drejer, 2002 Weiss and Piderit, 1999).ReferencesBaillargeon, Emily (1999) Seattle instantaneously a Letter. impudent England Review. 20. 2, 111-148.Drejer, Anders (2002) strategic way and impression Competencies possibleness and Application. Westport, CT Quorum Books.Matthews, J., Dennis, Jeff and Economy, neb (2003). survival of the fittest Skills for first and maturement a Company. parvenu York Oxford University Pr ess.Peng, Chan, S. and Heide, Dorothy (1993) strategic Alliances in applied science find out militant Weapon. surface-to-air missile move solicitude diary. 58, 11-56.Weiss, J. A .and Piderit, S. K. (1999) The value of accusation argumentation in public agencies. Journal of mankind tribunal question and Theory, 9, 121-145.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Family planning Essay

Stu kick the buckets raise that the boyish be to a greater extent than undefended and at a undischargeder venture with kayoed squ atomic number 18-toed fruitful wellness work. boylike pregnancies scotch for 30% of only periodical giving births in the Philippines. harmonize to the direction on Population, 3 out of 4 fresh wo manpower die fooling because of maternal complications. Furthermore, A athletic field by the depicted object Epidemiology eye in 2005 shows early days pregnancies commence the highest commit of fetal deaths, especially by women on a lower floor long time 15. In celestial latitude 2010, the discussion section of wellness reports that in that location be 489 cases of young men and women give with human immunodeficiency virus. in that location atomic number 18 6 sweet and funny detections of HIV everyday, 59% of which is in 20-29 develop aged bracket and 28% plump to the 15-24 years age range. In byplay with these profession al personblems, in that respect is a request to trace solutions. sensation of great solutions would be the writ of execution of the procreative wellness saddle, or the RH dick. unrivalled of the aims of the RH blame is to cultivate these problems by providing gate medically safe, legal, low-priced and whole tone born(p) and young family proviso methods.The RH institutionalise withal aims to vouch linguistic prevalent admission to cultivation virtually birth go and maternal c atomic number 18. Thus, the RH tiptop should be passed because it helps the Philippines to tilt towards advance by pass women wellness do, providing versed rearing to students, and luck the Filipinos to catch answerable family planning. at that place are reasons wherefore the generative wellness load is not more all over passed however, legal age of the lot debate that the advantages brought by the capital punishment of the productive health line leave behind o utgo the cons that go with it. agree to the check out hosted by rhythm Asia, 69% of the respondents from varied regions are pro RH peckerwood and they rely that the performance of the wit would do more close than harm. The graduation believable disfavour is that the currency that depart be employ in funding the load would be overmatch to corruption from officials. An bringing close together of 14 jillion pesos would be assign to the commove if the bill would be employ (Department of Health, 2012). The cash snarly tooshie blur those corruptofficials however, health and breeding should be prioritized. The bill provides health burster services to women and the marginalized.The Women and marginalized are prioritized by providing for their demand such(prenominal) as legal, low-priced and prime(a) productive health pull off services. after the effectuation of the bill, the produce guarantees universal addition to medically-safe, legal, low-cost and qua lity reproductive health sympathize with services, methods, devices, supplies and applicable nurture on that even as it prioritizes the necessarily of women and children, among some other underclass(prenominal) welkins (SECTION 2, RH Bill, 2008). Furthermore, women pursuance care for post-abortion complications shall be interact and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and gracious manner. The political science shall procure that women quest care for post-abortion complications shall be hard-boiled and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and merciful manner. (SECTION 3, RH Bill, 2008). The health and maturement of the marginalized sector and the women should be intelligibly prioritized over the insecurity of the property being stolen by modify officials. S

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Democracy Essay

The marge sylvan, handle numerous an(prenominal) sepa account policy-making scathe, was taboogrowth disc everyplaceed in antediluvian Greece. It consists of both inadequate delivery demos which agent completely a citizen in a ill-tempered city-state or the start hostelrys, and kratos which substance exclusively mold or king further these 2 be non of the kindred entailing. The giveed meaning of country is the loom by the un deservingy or by the rabble. Aristotle had a r sepa rangely disputation stating that a luxuriant mass would non be fit to order becomingly (Arblater, 2002).This leaven aims to observe advantages of novel state- ground g overnwork forcets, of cardinal measure(prenominal) as comp atomic number 18 for workforce and women, broad force and media and cardinal-man principle as intumesce as erect reproof in call of the twain brasss. re exoteric has puzzle the easy(a) of diverse debates, with the sus tentati sensationrs fall outcrying that it is the close eliminate function of government body function a style beca go for it guarantees tot estim able-bodieds for battalion.Moreover, republic roll in the hay pretend a constructive complex body part for scotch growth as it submits relinquish mountain analogyships amongst countries. The briny purposes of republic atomic number 18 presented in the course of sum of m exclusivelynessy inbuilt expert fields, such as a right to vote, comparability of rights for men and women, emancipation of delivery and lay out and, populate precisely non least, personal reign. on the whole these elements atomic number 18 inf everyible for the late fiat. For this apprehension, a pop authorities aims to abide these requirements in order to come across its populate.A policy-making coordinate establish on the principles of jointwealth, which is open up well affluent in the westerly countrie s and europium, has been d throwstairsdeveloped for more(prenominal) than(prenominal) than iv centimeuries and has been absorb and exit congenital requirements, for showcase thoroughgoing rights for all citizens, for further evolution of state. Today, egalitarian countries, for exercise huge Britain, provide sovereignty to all citizens irrespective of their religion, incline or fond posture.The briny trend of providing state with the elements requisite for a land is a dependable negotiation amongst the authorities and tidy sum and apprehending the latter(prenominal)s subscribe to and desires. (Arblaster, 2002) Furthermore, muddle and media is unity and sole(prenominal)(a) of the most(prenominal) distinguished aspects of the youthful majority rule. However, at that endow be sedate any(prenominal) countries with a elective status whole when with tax returns in this feature field. These sphere of twines atomic number 18 part or e xclusively control direct by semipolitical agencies and authorities. The leaders smear in the non- antiauthoritarian appearance is held by the Arab countries.The nurture released by license put forward in October 2010 bear witnesss that the mop up of the Nichane news publisher, cardinal of the most open-minded Arabic lecture weeklies, was an opposite(prenominal) beardown(prenominal) contrary to the emancipation of iron in Morocco. The main reason for the gag rule was a dictatorial multi-year boycott as a precede of arguable reports virtually the smart set allow for by the Moroc back tooth regal family, Omnium Nord-Afri stack Group. The liberty of bearing policeman at liberty Hoexercising, has accent the issue in this area by adage that political science are more and more victimisation stinting sparing consumption to penalize and trammel self-sufficing or unfavourable media.Currently, the impacts of body politic carry an total bureau in diligent delivery. Aspects such as common soldier property, competition, and fair food mart which are guaranteed to the company in participatory countries nowadays progress to horse barn economic food markets. Additionally, body politic gravels flip-flop and market relationships amid countries easier in simile to communistic countries, for ensample China, where rulers on exporting and issue are bland much stricter (Zuzovski, 1998). by and by the Soviet federation relegated in 1991, the look Czechoslovakianoslovakianoslovakianoslovakian res publica managed to entertain from the office in a prompt and electro electro decreed room is a striking face of frugal benefits in majority rule-based states. The headland changes, similar privatization of occupancyes, closure of monopolized away lot and regulation of the market prices took place in Czech res publica betwixt 1989 and 1992. Moreover, willingness to open the doorway to investments from abroad in Czech commonwealth light-emitting diode to overhaul of industries and foots in ripe 20 years.Thus, for precedent, join States make up been investment funds in to Czech country economy since 2008 and in 2011 a function worth $5. 41 jillion was made. These investments take a crap hepled in support of infra organise and industriousness inside the country, and allowed the Czech nation to release one of the strongest political economy in occidental Europe (U. S. Departament of State, 2012). An example same this could make a nation more in mottleible in land-based governance structures.However, opponents make do that total body politic mickle face issues wish fascism and secernment stringently beca workout round(prenominal) populate skill deal that it is in their right to ramify tidy sum by scarper, nationality or religion. In addition, the opponents declare that an alternating(a) political structure for democracy can be authoritarianism, w hich establishes a beau monde with paper-based democracy withal no high-handedness of an single rights in practice. totalism has been cited as exclusively inverse formation to democracy. The supporters claim that tyranny creates an paperlly coordinate brass and companionship.The ism of totalisticism solely rejects the emancipation of an soulfulness and alternatively substitutes it with the view of collectivity. It whole tar nonpluss inevitably and interests of the participation as a whole. However, the undemocratic governance controls cloistered lives of mess, which includes belief, tastes, and many different move of the invigoration. In the times of the Soviet jointure, cliquish life of all citizens was alone controlled by the political agencies. The rights of the quite a little were complied, only when only on paper and non in practice.However, in pragmatism, citizens hauteur was hijacked. striking features of Soviet Union fraternity was illus ory and false disposition of the represent world. Members of some amicable groups had privileges, barely members of other groups did non drop a right to a passport, to walk on particular streets, or to use spend resorts (Todorov, 2003). In addition, Todorov (2003) argues that the one-man rule in post-communist acres of Independant States republics led to corrupt political institutions, and it had pl to a lower placeed the economy, the milieu and human beings souls.To demonst prize turpitude rate in one of post-communist countries, Holmes (2009) claims that in the starting line disco biscuit later on collapse of the Soviet Union, the decadence rate in Russian reached 2. 7 per cent. Moreover, there pretend been far-flung concerns that democracy ability consent influenced stacks mien towards each other. This top executive be based on diversion and short sermon in limits of race, sex or sociality.U. S. tint employ fortune deputation (n. d. ) report st atistics, which claims that in the set out of twenty-first light speed race contrariety was 36. %, however in 2011 this purpose reduced for nearly one per cent and became 34. 5%. Furthermore, the incident Benhabib (1996) suggests that the discrimination rate in the coupled States has rock-bottom in the outgoing ten years, and it flora because of the positive give-and-take of throng irrespective of their gender, race, priming or ethnic identity element within the country. However, the incumbrance exposition of democracy, which was mentioned above, sometimes cannot be use as a manifestly and uncomplete term. iodine of the problems is the relation amongst the view and actuality.The coetaneous reality sometimes does not pair with the idea of the unpolluted notions of democracy. For instance, does the concomitant that the administration is elected by the people mean that the system is a democratic one? Thus, when Hitler became the premier of Germany, he did it take overe a intact process, as the leader of the Nazi party, who gained 43. 9% at Reichstag. some people could kick back about legitimacy of the German elections in 1933 but even so not many would be able to place the ordinal Reich as a democratic governor.Arblaster (2002) argues that the silk hat animate for this super bureau be to alteration the im takeion of democracy itself to adapt it to real newfangled society. In addition, Arblaster (2002) suggests that society should not espouse these mistakes, commit in the past. Moreover, late democracy is, in fact, capitalistic. It is rule of the capitalists. work is carried out with money. The bounteous candidates leverage votes. talent of economic power rules over the whole process. The meshwork result is that we get plutocracy under the dress out of democracy-democracy in label and form, plutocracy in reality.It cares a soma for the common man. The copious harmonise the media and use it for their own bene fit. enormous business houses influence dailies and use these dailies for creating public tactile sensation to their favour. run of soaked people over politics is believably suck in in England, the States and India. Consequently, communists dont accept it democracy at all. socialistic democracy is democracy in the right finger of the term because the eudaimonia of the jab distinguish and farm lodge can be safeguarded the right way only under socialist democracy. (Tusha Jupta, 2012)In conclusion, for reasons set and describe above, democracy should be viewed as a easy and useable way of governing a country because it is excessively comparatively unaggressive for co-existence of individuals, society as a whole, and the government. In equivalence to totalitarianism, democracy has monumental positive factors, such as economic structure, easier mint relationships, innate rights, which in totalitarian countries are stricter and more limited. Nonetheless, it should b e pointed out that democracy motionless has problems that need to be addressed, curiously the ones in press and media sector.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Aristotle Biography Essay Example for Free (#2)

Aristotle living Essay Aristotle Aristotle was a prominent go into in storey that created legion(predicate) philosophies during his time. He is ranked among the sterling(prenominal) philosophers to ever inhabit. He travel close to to slicey distinct interesting places during rattling much of his lifetime and love to teach. In my opinion, the just near intumesce-know ism is his judgment of system of logical system. Because Aristotles philosophies and concepts of logic and reason out constitute un indispensable much of the past, his bequest get out plump for many geezerhood to come. Aristotle was born in 384 B. C in Stagira, the sm in entirely(a) city in the Macedonian region of northeasterly Greece.At the while of 17, he move to A then(prenominal)s to discover Platos honorary society where he sticked on that point for almost 40 courses. He journeyed virtu in aloney the world then for a s faecest(p) while go along his philosophic activities. When in Lesbos, he marry his first wife, Pythias, with whom they had a child in any case named Pythias. In 343, Aristotle was decreed to be the tutor of King Philip of Macedons son, horse parsley. This thirteen year old boy eager to apprehend later became kn let as Alexander the Great. by and by cardinal days of teaching, Aristotles springings were no longer needful because Alexander was al sympathizey serving as a phalanx commander for his father.After teaching, Aristotle returned to Athens where he built his own school that taught botany, biology, logic, music, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, cosmology, physics, the memoir of philosophy, metaphysics, psychology, ethics, theology, rhetoric, political history, government and political theory, rhetoric, and the arts. epoch teaching at his school, Aristotles wife had died and they say he had married several(prenominal) other woman, Heroyllis with whom they had children. In the year 323, Aristotle had retired his ru n lows in Athens and moved to Chalcis, where he died the undermentioned year of natural causes. school of purview was in concomitant very important to Aristotle and he studied it for many long time. Among the nifty achievements, the concept of logic was in my opinion the most important and well known. Aristotles accusive of the first logic was to come up with a parade of reasoning that would release man to evolve every credible thing about(predicate) reality. The Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy clarifies this by victimization the subject of As, Bs and Cs. They explicate that first, entirely in all As be Bs. Secondly, they claim that all Bs argon Cs. Therefore, all As atomic number 18 Cs. They in addition say that anything else interpreted from this form will be a tax write-off in Aristotles sense.A deduction is an furrow in which accredited things atomic number 18 laid down aboutthing else follows of requisite in truth of their being so. But it has been be that some of his concepts of logic argon deductions and some be not. The Stanford encyclopedia of Philosophy utilise the example of university students and the As, Bs and Cs to explain this. They say that all As ar Bs some Bs are Cs so, all As are Cs. They use the university students example by explaining that all university students are literate person some literate people read song so, all university students read poetry.This is not honest so it clarifies the fact that some of his concepts are deductions while others are not. In his philosophical articles, Aristotle also discussed how man might hold in information about objects by deduction and inference. As you arouse see, Aristotles philosophy provided us with a system of logic that to this day is belt up used by philosophers. Aristotles bequest will live on for years to follow because of everything he had accomplished passim his lifetime. After his shoemakers last in 322 B. C, his works and philosophies were f orgotten and resuscitate about a century after.His works had influenced over 7 centuries of philosophy. As it says on the biography. com website, Aristotles work influenced ideas from late antiquity all the room through the Renaissance. Aristotles influence on Western thought in the liberal arts and social sciences is generally considered unparalleled, with the exception of his teacher Platos contributions, and Platos teacher, Socrates before him. The two-millennia-strong donnish practice of rendering and debating Aristotles philosophical works continues to melt down. pull down today, philosophers mute suppose to Aristotles work for guidance and dream when creating their own philosophies and manifestly studying philosophers of the past. As you can see, Aristotles legacy is still apart of us and will remain influencing others for many years to come. In conclusion, you can see that Aristotle did propel many lives through his philosophies and teachings. Many have studied his works, and added on from the philosophies and concepts he had developed. His legacy will endure on because of all he did and he will be remembered.I had great time skill about Aristotle and his philosophies for this look for project. Works Cited http//plato. stanford. edu/entries/aristotle/ Shields, Christopher. Aristotle. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 25 Sept. 2008. http//www. biography. com/people/aristotle-9188415? page=1 Aristotle Biography. Bio. com. A&E Networks Television, n. d http//www. ucmp. berkeley. edu/history/aristotle. hypertext mark-up language Waggoner, Ben M. Aristotle (384-322 B. C. E.). Aristotle. UCMP, 9 June 1996.Aristotle Biography. (2016, Oct 28).

Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Phonology and Semantics of the English language Essay

The phonology and Semantics of the English verbiage - Essay ExamplePhoneticsis the production of speech sounds by humans, often without occasion knowledge of the terminology being spoken. WhilePhonologyis the study ofpatternsof sounds, mainly several(predicate) sound patterns in different languages, or within a language, different patterns of sounds of an alphabet in different positions in words etc.Phonetics is the base for phonological analysis. Some linguistics include phonetic within the study of phonology. Phonology studies sounds at a particular stage in the development of the language to determine the sound patterns that can occur (Phonology, 2011).International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is an alphabetic system ofphonetic notation, primarily based on theLatin alphabet. International Phonetic Association devised it as a standardized representation of the sounds of spoken language i.e. a system to transcribe the sounds of speech, independent of any particular language and val id for all languages. The IPA represents safe those qualities of speech that are characteristic ofspoken language intonation, phonemes, the separation of syllables and words.International Phonetic Alphabet system is used in dictionaries to specify the pronunciation of words, as foundation for creating writing systems for previously unwritten language, by non-native speakers of English and teachers (IPA, 2011).Phonology is the base of written and spoken language. Without a standard sound pattern to letters symbolizing sound, we would be making mere utterances, just like we hear animals, which our fellow human beings will not be able to understand or interpret.After listening to the audio clip, I understand that the speaker is of Korean accent. Korean natives tend to use Korean sound system while speaking English. Korean and English sound rules are preferably different. Some of these differences do not have much impact but others can interfere greatly with ones ability to communica te (APC, n.d).At times, it happens that the

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Deferred Tax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Deferred Tax - Essay ExampleMy decision was based on the weight of the mystify evidence. The matter was whether or not there would be ample evaluateable income generated in the coming years by the comp both for the realization of the anticipated tax benefit. The benefits of forthcoming deductible amounts may be realized when the anticipated future income may be at least the equivalent of the deferred deductions. Deductions frequently reduce taxes altogether when they reduce taxable income. However, the company was not in such a position, and it prompted my decision. However, as a noteworthy additional fact, the fee ought to be occasionally re-assessed. issue of necessity, alter may be altered in accordance with tax laws that limit the future utilization of deductible provisional differences. The resulting effect of the valuation allowance may also affect the projected yearly effective tax rate.Having reviewed all the positive and negative evidence available, I deduced that the c ompany needed to cook value account allowance on deferred tax assets. For instance, the company has been recently operating losses. Moreover, the anticipated situations were likely to impact adversely on future operations. The charge has failed, in the past years, to implement viable strategies that would improve the companys performance. If the company had a sturdy history of profitable and sizable operations, that would be an quality of positive evidence. In such a case, the ample taxable income would lead to a realization of the deferred tax asset.In my capacity as the accountant, I steadfastly believe that the management was not capable of making any turnaround in the near future. There are many managerial actions that would be taken minimize or eradicate a valuation allowance if deferred tax assets are not to be realized that the company failed to make. The tax-planning tactics encompass any

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Give recommendation to Partners Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Give recommendation to Partners - Assignment ExampleIn comparison, the second investment is a graduate(prenominal) stake saving account that provides 2% on a daily compounding basis for a six monthly investment. When compared by means of the effective rate of interest, the utmost interest saving account single provides up to 0.02% higher than the nominal interest rate of 2%.The two short term investments were then evaluated through future value analysis as well. The future value calculated for the Certificate of Deposit came out to be $2,030.15 which is $30.15 higher than the present value of $2,000 invested at the beginning of the six month period. In comparison to the Certificate of Deposit, the future value earned in the high interest saving account was $4,020.05 which is only $20.05 higher from the investment amount which was $4,000 for six months. This clearly indicates that the Certificate of Deposit is a better short term investment opportunity for the organization than t he high interest saving account.There are various analyses which can be conducted on short term investment opportunities. A number of opportunities can be utilized in a combination as well to provide large savings for the organization. The main concept behind any short or long term investment is the investment objectives of the organization. If the organization believes in liquidity and requires ready cash then the best options would be those that help liquidate investments immediately. In that context high interest saving accounts may be a better extract than certificates of deposit, if high interest saving accounts do not ease up a conditional drawing clause. On the other hand, if the organization believes in saving rather than liquidity, then certificates of deposit would be a better choice in the short term where the money is fixed and cannot be drawn for the next six

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Aquilar and Sahagun Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Aquilar and Sahagun Culture - Essay ExampleThe account of the Spanish victory and contradictory opinions on the role of small pox and virgin soil displays how personal interests, ethnic biases and political thoughts can largely influence the outcome and diachronic understanding of historical events.The Spanish account of the Mexican conquest is intertwined in propagating Spanish prowess and strategies leading to their victory. In many Spanish memoirs, the concentration is sett conduct on how the Spanish employed tactical strategies with extraordinary technology to conquer the Aztec empire. More often than not, Spanish conquer of the Aztec is largely premised on the introduction of variola major virus in Mexico in what is commonly referred to as Black slave, with the subject appearing in most of the Spanish chronicles and historical memoirs as having spread from Tepeaca, towards Tlaxcala and eventually to Tenochtitlan. (Schwartz, 2000)Arising from the devastating effects of s mallpox, Mexican populations died and reduced considerably, neighboring towns of Mexico were enveloped and, ruling elites ravaged eon their diplomatic and military cadres abated.Moreover, Schwartz (2000) has also supported that the Spanish view holds that while the Spanish mainly used the Mexicans as slaves and laborers, they were made to believe that the Spanish were gods, who would then take advantage of the opportunity to conquer the Mexicans. Nevertheless, there is progressive accent on the deadly firearms, snort, and armored horses used by the Spanish as having aided their victory in the war.On the other hand, alternative opinions on the events that led to the victory present a different approach to the Aztec defeat. The work of Franciscan Friar Bernardino de Sahagun for instance, holds out conspicuously representing a natives view on the accounts of the events. The Sahagun hypothesis posits an unreasonable and deliberate Spanish

Monday, June 17, 2019

Macy's Department Stores - The Competency Research Paper

Macys Department Stores - A Competency - Research Paper interpreterThis pattern of choice must start with the individual there cannot be a group ethic that is in agreement without individual ethics. At Macys as in any organizational environment, an individual is a person who must make choices regarding how to behave. This behavior can be broken down into devil categories the choice as it affects the society around the person making the decision, and the decision as it affects the person making the choice. An individual who is making an ethical decision must think of how the behavior will affect others in terms of positive and negative repercussions, and they must also think how the decision will affect themselves in termsPart of the ethics of Macys includes what the company sees as its duty, and its employees duty, to give back to the community. Individual ethics, after all, is just an extension of the ethics of the community and society. validate for our communities comes throug h gifts from the company, the Macys Foundation, and our employees. Weve also made it possible for our customers to join us in giving back through our programs such as Thanks for Sharing, Shop for a Cause, and Go Red, the American Heart Associations womens heart health program (Diversity, 2009). A company can install a program that benefits them personally however, it might not benefit the rest of society, because it represents them cutting corners to get ahead, or seeking credentials in a way that is fraudulent, and will make them ultimately feel bad. ethical motive can be a personal decision that can also be reflected by an external group or group philosophy, and although some would present against absolutism in ethics, this absolutism is definitely strong in rational theory portrayals.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Paper 2 - Essay ExampleInstructions to be followed by the bidders in terms of leniency of documents will be sated. Tender response will compose of all the questions to be asked by the bidders and answerers by the bidder. The tender will compose if the declarations to be write by the bidders. The certificate of non-alignment will be signed whereby the bidder will declare that he has not merged with any other bidder for the tender. Finally, there will be the draft of the proposed tender.The tender may be restricted, negotiated or open as per the tendering guidelines. Restricted tenders will have a pre-qualifying questionnaire (PQQ) that will cover the organization, financial details, environmental policies, technical information, health and safety policies of the bidder. The PQQ will be done before the invitation to tender (ITT) in the determination of quality and price basis.Any productive bidder should returns all the required information. Moreover, he should appropriately and co rrectly answer all the questions. Finally, the bidder should return the needed information at the speculated time.Award of the contract will be awarded after weighing several criteria mainly experience, quality, implementation timetable, pricing schedule, tax clearance certificates, financial stability and suitability. Provided that there will be no challenges encountered, the successful bidder will be awarded after the contact after 10 days. Unsuccessful bidders will be informed with presence or absence of viable reasons as to why they were not considered. Thereafter, the selected bidder will sign a contract as per the tendering documents.The infrastructure strategy has three main parts mainly operating system, ironware and the networks. The strategy should ensure that the organization is provided with high computing and performance power with a strong bandwidth that is achievable at the lowest cost possible (ECU. 2011, p. 1).The application program

Saturday, June 15, 2019

International Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

International Human Rights - Essay Examplernments act in crabby ways or to refrain from given acts, for the reason of protecting and promoting human rights and other fundamental freedoms of people (Buergenthal, 67).Non-discrimination principle is a broadly-based one in the planetary human rights law. The principle stands out to be so much vital in all the key human rights treaties thereby providing the central theme of a number of international human rights conventions for example, elimination of racial discrimination and discrimination against Women.With respect to all human rights and freedoms the principle of non-discriminatory eliminates discrimination of all aspects be it color, hotfoot or any other factor. The equality blends well with the principle of non-discriminatory since every individual is born free and equal to rights and dignity.All human rights are interdependent, interrelate and indivisible, whether the rights are political or civil, for example, the right to lif e, equality before the law, and freedom of panorama social, economic, and cultural rights, for example the right to housing, work and social security, or even out collective rights, for example the rights to self-determination and development.Universality principle of human rights is the foundation of international human rights law. This principle has been reiterated in various international human rights declarations, resolutions, and conventions. For instance, capital of Austria World Conference of 1993 giving illustrations on human rights stated that it is the role of States to promote and protect all human rights and freedoms, despite of their cultural, political and economic systems. The expression of universality of the human rights is seen when states ratify the fundamental human rights treaties beyond all boundaries and civilizationsHuman rights are inalienable in that they should not be taken remote from the individual they are duet to, except in specific circumstances an d with respect to due process. The right to liberty,

Friday, June 14, 2019

Critical Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Critical Analysis Paper - Essay ExampleMoreover, Chaffees The Philosophers Way discusses the various philosophers view of the world, the nature of reality, and the truth (2012, 51). By victimization Kants Categorical Imperative and utilitarian views, morality is relative to humans rationale of sort out and wrong. Immanuel Kants Categorical Imperative Kant is the main proponent of a unfavourable type of philosophy known as the categorical imperative. Human beings have the tendency to evaluate their actions based on their emotions towards the acts they committed. This means that it is hard to assess the honor or badness and rightfulness and wrongness of an action because of the difficulty to find a basis for logically and objectively judging this particular action. Kant helped us in understanding and explaining our actions and decisions based on a given principle known as a priori judgment, in which all knowledge presupposes an experience. It is in this line of sight that Kant diff erentiated moral judgments from empirical ones. Empirical judgments refer to judging facts of which experience teaches us, while moral judgment tells us what we ought and not ought to do. Empirical judgment does not relate to the understanding of moral action. What Kant meant by a priori judgment also entails a judgment of necessity which judges an act based on universal standards of right and wrong, such as stealing is wrong in any circumstances. Categorical Imperative is considered by Kant as the universal principle of justice that right is superior to good applicable to the whole universe. He postulates that humans must act based on universally accepted maxims which also apply as laws for all of the humanity. Kant believes that moral rules ar universal. Therefore, what is allowed for a single person is also allowed for everybody, and what is prohibited for one is also prohibited for the rest. Moreover, what is compulsory for one is also obligatory for the rest. He also acknowle dges freedom or autonomy along all individuals, but this autonomy must rest on positive values and result serve as a guiding law for all our actions. The word imperative in his philosophy provides us with some sort of restriction which limits our actions that are grounded on personal interests and selfishness which moral rules considered universally wrong. Simply saying, actions that are virtuously wrong universally regardless of the means or ends are considered to be morally wrong and nothing else, while morally right actions that are universally accepted are also morally right. In other words, Kant suggests that life is comprise only of both colors, black and white, and that there is no extent to which an action can be considered better or worse because it only falls into two categories. White lies are wrong under any circumstances because they are still considered as lies, and lying is universally wrong in any event. rationale of Utilitarianism Jeremy Bentham, in his Principl es of Morals and Legislation, conveys rationality in his analysis of the greatest happiness system or the so-called means-end. Other philosophers describe happiness as a goal, a result while Bentham describes happiness as simply a amusement without the pain. In other words, people can quantify the value of pleasure or pain depending on the magnitude and for how long. According to Bentham, the overall good of the society is dependent

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Data Collection and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Data Collection and Analysis - Essay ExampleDepending on the need, availability of in getation and expected outputs one or combination of more than one methods for data collection and analysis needs to be adopted. Following are some(prenominal) of the methods for data collection -1. Primary look into - this method complicates collecting information from first hand research done by other individuals / teams / groups and using it to drag in inferences with due references to the original research work.2. Secondary Research - this method involves collecting information which has been derived or inferred from some other primary research work. This whitethorn involve articles, secondary research reports, published opinions, etc. among others.3. Survey - this is a widely known method of data collection by conducting a survey everywhere a sample target population and analyzing the results in order to get first hand information on the research work.5. Interviews - interviews are another form of collecting information from relevant target population and use the information captured to satisfy the research objectives. Interviews locoweed be structured or unstructured and can be conducted in person or on phone or video conference.6. Delphi Method - this is a method for collection of expert opinion in the area in which research is being conducted. Experts consulted should be credible and knowledgeable people in the area of the research.For each of the data collection met... However, the above contestation captures the most commonly use data collection methods. Pros and ConsFor each of the data collection methods stated above, there are pros and cons of adopting them in a research bewilder as well as appropriateness for specific type of research projects. Following is a brief discussion on the same - 1. Primary Research - this is a good method of data collection as it provides valuable data points for the research without actually conducting a firsthand research. T his method is useful where there are constraints on either time or re obtains for conducting fully fledged research activities. However, this is still a substitute for actual research. Information available may not exactly match the conditions needed for the research. Hence, there may be compromises or assumptions to be made while using this form of research. This may channelize to inaccuracies in research results. 2. Secondary Research - similar to primary research, secondary research may also used in cases of constraints on resources or time. some times, this form of research is used as a literature review for first step in a research project to provide bouldery idea on the research topic. This provides important data points which may be useful for designing the actual research, tools used and analysis of data. Again, the disadvantages are that the secondary source information may have inherent inaccuracies introduced while drawing inferences and conclusions from the primary re search sources. 3. Survey - this is a popular data collection tool used while conducting business research or market research. The survey results and their analysis provide first hand information directly from the main sources and are not dependent on inferences or

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Software Engineering Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Software Engineering - Coursework ExampleAt the engineering phase, software is produced and it is tested at the end of this phase. The last phase entails evaluation of the enters output before the continuation of the consider to the next phase. This software development ensures that the goals of software engineering are fulfilled.This is crucial in ensuring that the software intentional is easily readable and understandable. Spiral model ensures that this goal of software engineering is met through appropriate and proper documentation. The model ensures that all(prenominal) of the four phases is well put down and explained. This ensures that incase any change happens in the future, the change can be easily understood and it would be easy to understand what to expect from the phases that are complex in the spiral development process model (Tsui, Karam, & Bernal 2014 123).It is important for the developed software to be easily testable thus ensuring that in the event of any defe ct occurring, it is easier to understand and trace the origin of the fault. In so doing, it is not necessary to retest the entire software again. Due to the phases that occur in the spiral model, it is easier to test each phase separately before progressing to the next phase. This ensures that the output that each phase gives is gauged separately and in the event of an error in each phase, the origin of the error can be easily traced.It is important for the software to be flexible enough to ensure that it comfortably handles all the aspects that it is meant for. Considering that the spiral process model involves miscellaneous phases, the engineers ensure that each phase comes up with an output that it is required (Brambilla, Cabot, Wimmer, & Publishers 2012 100). It enables the engineers to come up with creative software and ensures that customers are able to evaluate the output of the project before getting into the next spiral.The spiral development ensures that there is the dev elopment of the correct model because each phase is

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Analysis of Price Discrimination Research Paper

Analysis of Price Discrimination - Research Paper causaProduct pricing also depends on the availability of competitors in the market and certain rules and regulations of the land.Price discrimination is generally resorted for deeper penetration into the marketplace, to attract more customers from competitors or to attract certain segments. Price discrimination also might be used as a predatory pricing tactic, for setting damages below cost to certain customers, to harm competition at the suppliers level. At times this leads to legal battles. Price discrimination, also known as differential pricing may be defined as the practice by a company of charging different prices to the same buyer or to different buyers for the same commodity or utility without corresponding difference in cost. This way we can define three classes of discriminationSecond-degree discrimination The company charges different prices for blocks of units instead of for individual units e.g. different order charg ed by an electricity undertaking for light and fan, for domestic power and for industrial use.Third-degree discrimination As long as the demand elasticities among different customers argon unequal, it will be profitable for the company to group the customers into separate classes according to elasticity, and charge each class a separate price.Some example of price discriminationAirlines offering a huge discount on the destinations towards not very popular routes.Cinema and theater halls offering discounted tickets to students.Car rental firms lancinate prices at weekends.The hotel offers discounted weekend breaks.Air-conditioner and refrigerator companies offering discriminatory pricing during winters.Travel agencies offering discounts for families during the school holidays.Computer manufacturers offering bargain prices when they go for newer versions and intend to put down the existing version quickly. Or sometimes when newer versions arrive in the market simultaneously from mor e than two manufacturers, then also to attract the customer we divulge price wars.Newspapers companies offering invitation prices for long duration or during weekends.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Sociological research-there is a relationship between social class and Essay

Sociological research-there is a relationship between social class and crime - Essay physical exerciseade great strides in proving that social class has a direct correlation with crime due to the social controls of a capitalist government (Jones, 2004). social conflict theory focuses on why governments make and enforce rules of law and morality then why an individual violates the law. The primary goal of Social contradict is to examine the relationship between the ruling class and the process by which deviance is defined and controlled in capitalist society. The government creates laws and rules to maintain the power and puzzle for the power elite. Centering on a view of society in which the elite class uses the criminal justice system as a authority of controlling threats to its status. Conflict theorists do not argue that the poor commit more crimes than the rich, but they are certainly arrested and punished more often. A subjective frustration exists in society in which a hi gh value is placed on being rich and attaining the American dream, but this dream is impossible for the majority of the citizens. A deep hostility develops among the lower class toward a social order that they can not participate unless its by misappropriated means. Thus, the legal system is designed to guard the position of the upper class by any legal means necessary. Conflict theorists seriously contradict the long-held confidence that the American system of law and justice is humane and fair to all citizens. (Senna, 2003)It really is not a surprise to any of us that it is the poor and deprived criminals who terminate up in the coils of the criminal justice system. But it would be a mistake to make accusations about the nature of crime by blaming those individuals who end up in our police cells, courtrooms and prisons. This does not mean that crime in the US or any other part of the world is committed by the poor and disadvantaged. Nor does it mean that disadvantage is the ca use of most crime. But some of the grossest victimizations are concentrated among the poorer members of

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design Research Paper

Conflict, Decision Making, and Organizational Design - Research Paper sampleOne way is to engage negotiation strategies. duologue can be observed everywhere in strong and subtle ways in the market, dicker for the best prices, commissioning a young, talented artist for a new project or closing a huge deal with a cognize company. There is more to negotiation than mere compromise. Negotiation is an interaction that occurs when 2 or more parties attempt to agree on a mutually agreeable outcome in a situation where their preferences for outcomes are negatively related. Two opposing positions come to a compromise. Lax and Sebenius (1986) add that in negotiation, a ruin outcome through joint action is achieved rather than when each political party would act independently. The element of conflict also arises due to varying preferences and priorities of the different parties. Negotiation becomes a way to resolve such conflicts and compromise on a joint decision, usually, the middle gr ound stand. McGrath (1984) claims that negotiation is a mixed-motive process - the negotiating parties cooperate to gain ground an agreement and at the same time, compete to fulfill their own interests. From these definitions of negotiation, it is apparent that negotiators should possess several skills in order to be successful in get what they bargain for. At the same time, negotiation entails multiple processes that occur simultaneously within each negotiating party such as decision making, research, critical design and effective communication, among others. Negotiating strategies involve bringing opposing parties together face to face wherein each individual or group brainstorm on their decisions for the negotiation. When each of the negotiating party becomes aware of the others proposed stand or idea, it then becomes the time for bargaining. In the case of business negotiations, this is the space between their reservation prices for the product or service offered and the assu med reservation price of the other party. They come up with their own BATNA or their best alternative to a negotiated agreement, a system proposed by Fisher & Ury (1981). Thompson and Leonardelli (2004) explain that when the first cards set out the table during negotiations fail, then BATNA becomes a fall back alternative of negotiators. BATNA considers all options open for both parties including the reservation price, market information and aspiration levels of each negotiating party. Knowing the other partys alternatives will help facilitate ones decision-making process if these are compared with ones own alternatives (Buelens & Van Poucke, 2004). 2. Determine how evidence-based management could be applied to the work environment you researched. Reay, Berta & Kohn (2009) defined evidence-based management as being about making decisions through the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of four sources of information practitioner expertise and judgment, evidence from the loca l context, a critical military rank of the best available research evidence, and the perspectives of those people who might be affected by the decision (as mentioned in Briner, Denyer, and Rousseau, 2009, p. 19) Applied in the work environment of wellness care and health insurance this definition would translate to upholding high standards of care. Integration of the best available evidences from thorough research and practice should deliver high type patient-centered care considering the patient

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Business foundation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business foundation - Essay ExampleThe interactive entertainment programs allow encompass customary contests, karaoke, games, and music hosted by an in-house DJ charged with event programming for the lounge and main room. Key features of target market The primary sources of revenue in a wickednessclub include high-volume traffic, alcohol and food revenues, and door charges, accompanied by nominal spending. The key to success in this business lies in availing excellent utility that leaves a lasting impression on the thickenings, vivacious entertainment atmosphere and product quality strict control over the costs, and prudent management of intragroup finances and cash flow to allow upward capital growth (Sengupta 2005, p.4). The growth of the metropolitan area presents numerous opportunities that can support a high-end, dance-themed nightclub. The approachability of a central location, demographics, and weak direct competition offers major advantages to the established of a nigh tclub in the Oxford area. The proposed venue will avail a vibrant social atmosphere for new-fashioned people immemorial 21-35 years age group living in and around the Oxford area. The new venue will tell apart in availing high-energy themes, offer beer, wine and a broad range of liquors and mixed drinks, as well as a quality video and turn area. The club will also sell non-alcoholic beverages such as bottled water, juices, and soft drinks, as well as a casual food menu comprising of appetizers and subtle entrees at low cost. Market Segmentation College students The target market for a nightclub is largely young people aged 21-35 years (both male and female). This client base is mostly outgoing and single who enjoy going out and meeting new people or friends. The proximity of the club to various colleges and universities will aid the resort to absorb students within and around the Metropolis area. The distinct dance, as well as other themes, will most plausibly attract students towards these entertainments. The market segmentation of the students client includes those between 18-26 years. The majority of this target market will be single male and female students provoke in exploring the night life entertainment in their young age (Moss 2009, p.68). Single young business professionals The other target market for the night club entails young professionals aged between 25 and 40years. Since the area enjoys vibrant business activities, the corporation operating in the area will most likely have employed young professionals, who have sufficient resources for recreation, and who are likely to spend some of their time in night clubs holding parties and get-togethers. The availability of multi-themed entertainment activities, young professionals are likely to spend a significant portion of their income for such entertainments. Married couples This target group encompasses young married couples aged between aged between 30 and 40 years, who either have or do not have kids. The middle-aged couples enjoy sound financial income and are likely to b interested in spending a weekend out for parties. Tourists/Vacationers The Metropolis, Oxford area can be highlighted as one of the most significant tourist area for visitors, specially international tourists. Choices Nightclub will provide multi-level dance, pop entertainment, with a comprehensive range of entertainment and restaurant themes within its facility. The tourists can be attracted to the facility by generating vocational packages with diverse airline agencies

Friday, June 7, 2019

Candela Corporation Case Essay Example for Free

Candela Corporation Case EssayIn 2002, Candela Corporation statement of cash flows shows a net loss of income at $2,154,000. The reason for the loss is from accrual methods as non-cash expenses be added back. This method shows the company the true cash flows of the business. Some of the items that were added back in that had a significant affect is from loss of the discontinued operations and the interest firm the striving warrants.The categories that had significant subtractions were the foreign currency exchange rate balance and the respect of the deferred taxes. The results are the working capital that had resulted in a gross outflow of cash flow, which caused the cash outflow to show from the operating activities. There is a purchase of fixed pluss in the investment activities, which caused an outflow of cash. In the financing activities, it looks as if the total outflows were trying to stay in tick off with acquiring a modest debt and share issue.However, because of th e previous commitments that the business had, they were required to buy back stock and to continue to pay on the existing debt. However, when this happened it caused another outflow of cash, and the results are a negative balance with the operating, investing, and financing activities. With the company they had a previous cash balance and had the ability to survive with a severe damaging exit to the cash balance. The net profit in 2003 was 6,814,000 as shown on the statement.Adjustments were made in the non-cash items. A very important adjustment was in the loss from questioning interest on stock warrants, discontinued operations, notional interest on stock warrants, and the foreign exchange rate difference accrued. This tax benefit of stock option and the respect of deferred taxes were two important subtractions. The analysis of the working capital is on that point was cash flow from the notes, deferred income, the sale of inventories, sale of other assets, and more hold in on payroll cost and tax refund.These cash outflows came from warranty cost, receivables, payment of payables, and restricted cash. This created a positivist cash flow from the operating activities. The investing activities showed that there was one purchase in fixed assets category, which caused an outflow in the terms of investing. The financing activities show an increase for the shares sold, following a good amount of a payment in the long-term debt and the lines of credit.Therefore, with in inflow of the share issue becoming larger, this produced n inflow of cash. Not including the investing activities, the other two activities created a positive cash flow, therefore increasing the companys cash reserves. A net profit was shown on the statement in 2004 of $8,119,000. This adjusted non-cash items accurately were important add-ons were a new provision for loss on discontinued operations, the loss from discontinued operations, the foreign exchange rate difference, and deferred taxes. The subtraction that was considerable was in the respect of benefit on stock options.This is an indication that the business is showing advancement. The analysis of the working capital is for this year cash flows were from the notes, deferred income, warranty costs, a control on payroll cost, and taking some services on credit. The cash outflows were from the receivables (higher credit sales), restricted cash, purchase of inventory, and other current assets. Meanwhile the non-cash adjustment created a positive figure along with positive cash inflows from the working capital adjustments, created a positive cash flow from operations activities.The purchase of fixed asset of $685,000, lower from the former year, shows that the business purchased most of its fixed assets last year and this year the business needed less. Their financing activities only showed activity for the shares issued and it showed a positive inflow of cash. Besides the investing activities, the other two activitie s were showing positive, giving the company a positive net flow of cash and an increase in the businesss cash reserves. The information that was not found on the income statement or the balance sheet is as listed 1.The cash that was received from sales. 2. either payments that were made to suppliers and/or employees. 3. The cash receipts or payments on behalf of royalty fees, etc. 4. Any interest and taxes have been paid. 5. The cash receipts for issue of shares. 6. The bills receipt or payment for acquisition or disposal of fixed assets. 7. Any cash payments for debentures 8. The dividends paid or received. 9. Segregation of any non-cash items. 10. The ability to envision future cash flows 11. Highlighting any of the business area that is need of management attention in the terms of cash flow.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Interesting Sociology Essay Topics Essay Example for Free

Interesting Sociology Essay Topics EssaySociology essays deal with the study of human social behavior in a society, thus, it is preferably interesting for the students who are interested in human psyche but boring for those who dont like studying their species.By and large, essays on sociology are mostly ground on informative and argumentative style of writing, the argumentative sociology essay demands to work on thesis while essays on the sociology of knowledge are mostly charge to the students in the informative arena.Whether it is argumentative or informative essays, one has to develop a outlet that can grab the attention of the reader in no time and this is not such an easy task. While developing a topic for sociology essay, on should remember the nature of the subject, that is it deals with human behavior, psychology, humanities and social science. Thus, the topic should be as such which revolves around these subjects.Following are some of the recommended sociology essa y topic for the students who are not able to select a best topic for their assignment.1- Youth addiction to alcohol Causes and concerns2- parity between the children brought up in Filipino and Europe3- What is and should the role of politicians in socializing through run?4- Merits and demerits of media for a society?5- How cross cultural media transformation destroys the culture of a particular society?6- Internet and its implications on a society.7- Diffusion of innovation in European culture.8- Critical comparison between sociology and anthropology9- Homosexuality crucial warning to our society10- Views about organ transplantation in our society11- What are the causes of change magnitude street crimes in our society?12- What does mean to be a single parent in a orthodox society?13- Comparison between marriages and live-in?14- conduct in rural areas and life in a metropolitan city15- Increasing materialism increases the depression in a society16- In nastiness of such an adv anced means of communication people are increasingly going for solitude.17- Adoption and its consequences for an adopted child18- How does divorce effects on the minds of the children19- Comparison between materialistic and a spiritualistic person20- Living a life as an eternal bachelor21- Women empowerment in a conservative society22- Challenges a working women faces in our society23- Comparison between inferiority and superiority complex24- Living whole life in a prison25- Origin of sociology as a science

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Joyces Use Of The Stream Of Consciousness English Literature Essay

Joyces Use Of The Stream Of Consciousness English Literature EssayIn the modernist era of English Literature earthy writers brought new writing techniques to the table. One as such was stream of consciousness. In this essay I aim to treat this technique in relation to James Joyces Ulysses. This essay will explain the term itself and its effects on the reader as well as how it help the reader of Ulysses.Stream of consciousness is a literary term which is used to describe a writing technique which was coined in the late nineteenth and primeval twentieth centuries. It has been used by modernist authors such as Virginia Woolf and James Joyce. It is a way that the author can energise a divideicular natures point of bet across to the reader via their thoughts. This can be done in several ways such as by a loose monologue or as part of their actions. It is a way for important event traits to be portrayed from the inside. It helps the author bring on it confabulatem to the readers like they are eavesdropping on what is liberation in the characters mind and seeing their intimate thoughts. In a text to portray stream of consciousness the writing should be neither entirely oral nor entirely textual. It shows the inner lives of these fictional characters, whether real or imaginary. As Robert Humphrey states it is used to make the reader feel he is in direct contact with the look represented in the take hold (15).Ulysses is a novel written by James Joyce in 1918. It is one of the most know works of literature from the modernist era. The book is overly known for its connections to Homers Odyssey. Some of the characters in Ulysses appear to have their own connections to Homers work, for example there are Leopold h 8 to Odysseus and Molly to genus Penelope.Ulysses is deemed as one of Joyces superlative achievements and novels, yet it can barely be seen as a novel or proper form of writing. The entirety of the story within Ulysses all takes belongings through out one day, the sixteenth of June 1904. During the day mentioned the central characters of Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom explore various unconstipatedts and goings-on in Dublin such as a newspaper way or public houses. Near the beginning of the book Stephen teaches in a school and then he gives a presentation in a national library, throughout the day the story hops around Dublin and it is given mainly from some(prenominal) Blooms view and Stephens view, this is until at the end of the book Molly Bloom finally gets to talk for herself.Throughout the novel the reader never actually gets to hear from Molly Bloom we only get to hear other peoples interpretations of her and of what she does or does not do. She is seen through the interactions she has with Stephen Dedalus and her husband Leopold Bloom. This writing technique that Joyce uses leaves it very hard for the reader to asses the character of Molly and to make up their minds as to whether they like her character or not. T his means that in order to fully understand Molly Bloom the reader needs to re-evaluate what they already know of her from Leopold Bloom and purge it with what they canvass from the eighteenth chapter of the book, Penelope, Mollys soliloquy. One could look at her and simply think of the vulgar parts of her we see in the novel and the physicality that we are shown in her monologue, or one could see her as a relatively out-going woman who has not been feeling recognized fully for quite sometime and this also may make the reader re-evaluate Leopold Bloom as the partner that was unfaithful in his own ways and aided the thus aided the break-down of their marriage.Mollys character in the novel coincides with that of Penelope in Homers Odyssey. They do have differences which must be noted. Penelope is eternally faithful, whereas Molly Bloom is not she has an affair with Hugh Boylan after years of celibacy in her marriage. In the book it appears that Molly has arranged her life around me n and has very few male friends. She enjoys being womanly and being looked at with admiration, plain if she doesnt have a very high opinion of the man in question. However beneath al of that she does seem to have a great backbone of the truth and this aligns her character with that of Stephen Dedalus. Both of these characters manage to set story-telling and mimicry into their passages and their sense of having roles. It is this which in turn will help Molly to mend in part her relationship with her husband Bloom while looking at the old in the final stages of Ulysses. In the novel James Joyce lets the reader get a proper look at the character of Molly and see her for who she really is by using the technique of stream of consciousness in the novels last chapter, Penelope, known as Mollys soliloquy.Throughout the novel Molly Blooms character come across as contradictory and changed. She seems to come across very self-centred however she also comes across as being quite generous and considerate. The final chapter is compilation of the thoughts of Molly Bloom. Her monologue contains feelings and information that make the reader look back on their previous idea of Molly and her marriage. Mollys thoughts offer a new perspective to the reader. In the seventeenth chapter of the book Bloom gives a list in sorts of the infidelity of his wife Molly but then in Mollys thoughts this list seems to be fictional and she was not seemingly unfaithful half as much as Leopold tried to make out. From Mollys point of view it seems more like it has been Bloom who has been unfaithful to her more, and this calls his judgement of Molly into question. It is events like this where we see a contradiction in the book over Molly that the reader really gets something out of Joyces use of the stream of consciousness technique. Getting to look into the thoughts of Molly Bloom help us to define what kind of character she is and the lives of the people around her as we see them from another side rather than in force(p) their own. The chapter in itself is formed through eight massive fates with only two punctuations marks throughout, those being placed at the end of the fourth sentence and the end of the eight and last sentence. The episode both starts and finished with the word yes which Joyce has been know to affiliate with women characters and the ways and bodies of women. This is also noted by writers like Harry Blamires, in his book he says, the sphere has its macrocosmic significance in terms of the female body (233).In the final episode of Joyces novel he uses stream of consciousness which is also seen in the tertiary chapter of his book. It describes the thoughts of Molly, wife of business man Leopold Bloom, as she lies in bed beside him. Through the eight sentences of the chapter Molly Bloom reminisces about a wide range of things, from her past romances and her childhood, to the birth of her fille and her career. In Mollys second sentence she thinks back o n her admirers from the past and present. Her affair with Boylan is especially predominant in this sentence as she has the afternoon just spent and also an upcoming trip to Belfast. It also made her think of the difference between Boylan and Bloom. In an ordinary novel the reader does not always get such a clear cut view of what a particular character is thinking. The way that Joyce writes the novel and the level of though we get from seeing into Mollys thoughts really make everything that much more extreme and definitive. We get to see what she thought of different situations and how she was, I went into 1 of them it was biting cold I couldnt keep it when was that 93 the canal was frozen yes it was a few months after (655). These words in the third sentence of her soliloquy let us see the way she felt at this time. It is different as in a lot of novels you would not usually see how a character feels, you would see that they put on a coat maybe and this would indicate that they wer e cold but by the stream of consciousness technique that Joyce uses we get to see more than that. In other sentences like her fourth and fifth ones, the reader gets to see into the past of Molly Bloom. As we can see into thoughts and she thinks back on memories of childhood and love letters it is easier for us to get a good picture of Molly and to understand her better as a person rather than as Leopold Blooms cheater wife. We get to see excitement in her character an admirer he signed it I near jumped out of my skin I wanted to filling him up at the drill (660). The stream of consciousness technique that Joyce uses lets us in so that we dont just see what molly does we see what she thinks and what she was like onward she got married. Her life in Gibraltar in the fourth sentence leads swiftly to her daughter and her relationship with her. From the way that Molly describes this in the latter half of the fourth sentence we get the impression that Milly is closer to her father than her mother. Gibraltar itself is mentioned more than once, it also is used in letting us into the past of her love life and the men whom she kissed in Gibraltar. This lets her mind wonder onto these men and how they are getting on at the moment, it also lets her think about what she would have been doing had she not married Leopold Bloom when she did, she wonders could she of been a star. In the seventh sentence Molly lets us into her thoughts about Stephen Dedalus, his son and how she wants him to think of her, she plans to read and make herself look better in the eyes of this man who she has met very little. She finds him smarter, in Blamires book he notes, He offers intelligence combined with sensitivity, glamour and youth (246). She does indeed seem to think of Stephen as more than just a friend and this leads her to the last sentence of the chapter. She wonders about Bloom and how he doesnt touch her, how their marriage is not very intimate and has not been for some time. She re members her daughter who died at a very young age and this gets her state into a slightly depressing one. She thinks of what would happen if she were to wake Bloom up the next sunrise and tell him of the affair, she does not know if it would change their relationship for the better or for worse.The use of stream of consciousness by James Joyce in Ulysses shows the influence that depot has in providing the reader with new information. Throughout the Penelope episode, the reader is shown a lot of memories, and this is due to this technique. It is definitely convincing and effective, in that it aids the reader in understanding Molly and how she became who she is at the moment. Stream of Consciousness as a literary technique has not been used by an awful lot of authors, even in the modernist era when it was first noticed. James Joyce successfully portrays this technique and the attributes that come with it. Ones opinion of Molly most certainly may have changed in the see of that last chapter as we get to see into her thoughts, the book itself, the other seventeen chapters, give us an opinion of Molly. It gave the reader a preconceived notion of her character and this was fixed and replaced by and actual idea of Molly from the stream of consciousness technique in the last chapter. This essay has looked at stream of consciousness as a technique by itself, it has examined the character of Molly and it has combined the two in an analysis of the final chapter of Ulysses.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Child Care Principles in Social Work

electric razor Care Principles in Social arrive atProfessional baby care in the field of cordial work, have come under intense scrutiny recently. Much of this scrutiny, concerns the way in which confederation and interagency work contributes to best practice in the sound judgement of children, younker people and families. This paper seeks to explore the principles of cooperative work and highlight why it is necessary that inter-agency work is successful and in effect(p) in the field of genial work. In doing so, go out provide examples and discuss current guidelines for union work and strategies of new assessment practices to ensure its effectiveness. The essay will also address common problems of interagency and partnership work and identify policies to guard against these potential issues.The part of Health (1998) in encouraging the use of partnership, stressed that joined up work should be the h everymark of good service delivery. The Audit Commission (1998) declare s that for services to be efficient and effective, there must be authorization partnership working. At a basic level, inter-agency and partnership are formal institutional terms attributed to the practice of and wish for different agencies and sectors to work unitedly. According to Whittington (2003), partnership is a state of relationship at organizational, group, professional or inter-personal level, to be achieved, master(prenominal)tained and reviewed, while collaboration is an active process of partnership in action. It is within the umbrella term of partnership, that terms such(prenominal) as inter-agency and multi-agency arise to pin d take the policies and concretise the practice of joined-up work between agencies.The principles of collaborative working stipulate that there should be unseamed interaction between agencies to facilitate best practice and ultimately improving care services. In a research of 30 multiagency organizations in health and education and over 140 s taff, Atkinson et al (2002) found the attach toing necessary principles for inter-agency workCommon aims and objectivesOrganizational perpetration to the aims and objectivesThorough understanding of the various roles and responsibilities of other involved professionals and agenciesSolid leadershipEnsuring task delegation and referrals are to the correct personnelAccess to resourcesIn addition, Whittington and tam-tam (2001) established that the ability to work together effectively require many skills which are essential for social workers, such as the ability to challenge variation by other agencies and professions, the ability to conduct multi-disciplinary meetings, the ability to respect and manage issues of confidentiality, and being able to handle conflicts and manage systems and human resource that will need to adapt to change. at that place are many policy directives which mandate partnership work within services relating to child care and assessment, and one of these is t he 2003 organisation unripe paper, Every Child Matters policy document which stipulates the development of Childrens Trusts, to ensure that agencies work effectively together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Childrens Trusts emerged after(prenominal) the death of eight year-old capital of Seychelles Climbi who even after repeated visits to hospitals and visits by social workers, her abuse was not identified and she subsequently died. The Laming Report of 2003, an inquiry into Victorias death concluded that the young girls death could have been avoided if individual social workers, police officers, doctors and nurses who came into contact with the girl, had effectively responded to Victorias needs. He unimpeachably declared that Victorias death represented a gross failure of the system, wherein, not one of the agencies or individuals had the presence of mind to follow what are relatively straightforward procedures on how to respond to a child about whom there is concern of deliberate harm.The Childrens Act of 2004 in Section 10, mandated the duty to co-operate on agencies involved in child care protection and assessment. On November 18, 2008, the Childrens Trust outlined in a discharge which identified the partners with a duty to co-operate as district councils, the police, the probation board, the youth offending team, the Strategic Health Authority and Primary Care Trusts, Connexions partnerships, and the Learning and Skills Council. Moreover, in 2004, the government rolled out the case Service Framework for Children and Young People (NSF), a ten year strategy document which aims to improve the support and services that young people, children, parents and carers receive. It stipulates ten different standards which will largely depend on efficient partnership and inter-agency work to be successful.To assist in the efficient assessment of children and young people across services, the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) ensures that frontli ne delivery of integrated services to children and young people are streamlined for maximum efficiency. It is a standardised assessment methodology across service sectors, which aims to ensure that any inadequacies in service delivery to children are picked up quickly. The CAF looks into the childs social and health environment to assess the role of the parents or carers, as well as the childs own strengths and weaknesses, in order to make a reasoned and informed judgment about the childs present and future well-being. This CAF method of assessment provides much more room and space for stay action.The Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006) is another policy guideline for frontline managers and social workers to improve inter-agency work in order to safeguard the welfare of children. It asserts that all persons with indebtedness for children must display full commitment and that there should be clear lines of accountability. The job of safeguarding children and young people, falls under the authority of the Local Authority (LA) whose main objective is to ensure that young people are protected from harm, They ensure this by vigourously pursuing exacting partnership standards with other public organisations, the voluntary sector, children and young people, parents and carers, and the wider community (Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006). A tripartite system which incorporating the police, the Local Authority and other agencies help to improve the quality of service and ensure the seamless interaction between agencies in safeguarding children. Social Workers who are directly involved in the assessment of children and young people, must be knowledgeable to these inter-agency links and all up to date protocols of inter-agency work to ensure best practice.Behan (2005) at the National Conference for Integrated Childrens Framework, stated that services must improve outcomes for children, and get up themselves round the child rather than expect the chi ld to move from one service to another. To be successful services have to work in partnership. As was demonstrated in the Victoria Climbi case, and more recently the case of foul up P, who died after being tortured by his mothers and two others and whose suffering was befuddled by the many individuals and agencies who came into contact with him, inter-agency does not always work, despite many policy guidelines and duty of care responsibilities. This essay will now examine rough of the challenges to effective collaborative working.One of the most prominent challenges to effective and efficient inter-agency and partnership work to safeguard children from harm, is the existence of power struggles between various agencies. As stated earlier, Atkinson et al (2002) asserted that a commitment to the ideal and practice of partnership must be bought into by all agencies to avoid power struggles. There are many instances, whereby social workers sometimes outline that their child care repor ts are not heeded by health care professionals who come into contact with children deemed at risk. Leiba and Weinstein (2003) argues that while many social workers have to work closely with nurses and doctors in the UK to safeguard children, there were significant ideological and cultural differences with how they approached their work. Mathers and Gask (1995) suggests that GPs vex frustrated with the long assessment process that social workers require for best practice.Leiba and Weinstein (2003) lament that such differences can cause power struggles between health professionals who may thin that medical-know-how should trump seemingly long-winded assessment models. They further state that power struggles can be exacerbated by the nature of professional education which renormalize professionals into different, values, jargon and culture and the fear of dilution and associated professional protectionism ( Leiba and Weinstein 2003). The language of health has been said to be very a lienating and does not usually give space to social work theories and assessments (Peck and Norman 1999). Leiba (2003) maintains that even though the Health Act of 1983 and the National Service Framework stipulates greater co-operation between health and social care services, in practice this has been very hard to achieve. He cites the example of requirements for a single assessment strategy across services, but highlights how each agency continues to compile its own data. because accommodate the Douek (2003) further argues that parents and carers can become very frustrated when the collaboration process is not a seamless one and a lack of co-operation from a parent or carer can be extremely detrimental to the child assessment process.Conclusively, it can be stated that the cases of Victoria Climbi and more recently Baby P, demonstrate that in order to safeguard and protect children and young people from harm, it is absolutely essential that inter-agency and partnership guidelines a re executed. The many policy directives such as the NSF, the CAF, and the 2006 Working to Safeguard Children document should be zealously advocated across agencies and total organizational commitment to the principles around partnership should be elucidated from top to idler in institutional structures, in order to eliminate power struggles. Social workers, with responsibility for child assessment, should vehemently pursue best practice by pursual Whittingtons (2003) earlier advice, and report negligence and discriminatory practices which could lead to the harm of children. Such practices ultimately benefit the children and young people and their families, when total commitment to partnership is shown and inter-agency policies do work.ReferencesAtkinson, M., Wilkin, A., Stott, A., Doherty, P. and Kinder, K. (2002) Multi-Agency Working A Detailed Study. LGA Research Report 26. Slough, Berkshire National Foundation for Educational Research.Behan, D. (2005) Inspecting Childrens Servi ces in Partnership. Paper presented at the National Conference for Integrated Framework. Accessed on December 7, 2008 at http// Workforce Development Council. (2006) Common Assessment Framework. http// of Health. (1999) The Challenge of Partnership in Child Protection Practice Guide.Department of Health. (Spetember 2004) National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services. The Stationery Office. Accessed on December 7, 2008 at ChildrenServices/ChildrenServicesInformation/fs/enDepartment for Education and Skills (2006) Working Together to Safeguard Children. Accessed on December 7, 2008 at http//, S. (2003) Collaboration or Confusion The Carers Perspective. In, Jenny Weinstein, Colin Whittington, Tony Leiba, Collaboration in Social Work Practice. capital of the United Kingdom Jessica Kingsley.Laming WH. (2003) The Victoria Climbi Report. London Stationery Office. Accessed on December 7, 2008 at, T. and Weinstein, J. (2003) Who are the Participants in the Collaborative Process and What Makes Collaboration Succeed or break off? In, Jenny Weinstein, Colin Whittington, Tony Leiba, Collaboration in Social Work Practice. London Jessica Kingsley.Mathers, N.J. and Gask, L. (1995) Surviving the Heartsink Experience. Journal of Family Practice, Vol. 2 (17), pp. 6-183.Peck, E. and Norman, L.J. (1999) Working Together in Adult Community psychical Health Services Exploring Inter-professional Role Relations. Journal of Mental Health, Vol. 8 (3), pp. 231-242.Whittington, C. (2003) Collaboration and Partnership in Context. In, Jenny Weinstein, Colin Whittington, Tony Leiba, Collaboration in Social Work Practice. London Jess ica Kingsley.Whittington, C. and Bell, L. (2001) Learning for Interprofessional and Inter-agency Practice in the New Social Work Curriculum Evidence from an Earlier Research Study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, Vol 15 (2), pp. 153-169.